Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Are Mike Moore and Charlotte Moore Another Example of Families in Jeopardy?

All over the globe, families are in jeopardy. The hazards take many forms, but common themes seem to emerge. As previously discussed on Legal Pub, a mother and her 4 year old daughter are injured watching a Napa Monster Truck demonstration in Dekalb, Illinois. A father and son die on a failed amusement park ride in France. Carlos Flores, age 4, drowns at Great America Amusement Park in Santa Clair. Kaitlyn Lasitter is injured on a ride that malfunctions in Oshkosh. Now, in Busan, South Korea family members died when a Ferris wheel car unexpectedly overturned at an amusement park.

Photo Courtesy of AP
A 68-year-old woman and a 7-year-old boy died instantly after they fell 65 feet. A 28-year-old woman died at a nearby hospital. Two other family members survived by holding on to handholds on the ride. There were seven relatives riding in the Ferris wheel car, but the other two were able to cling to handholds and avoid injury, police officer Yoon Jae-man said.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, Jeon Un-sung, 70, who was rescued, , said "the slowly moving gondola suddenly stopped and turned upside down and family members fell. " The ride was part of the World Carnival mobile amusement park that opened in Busan last month after arriving from Hong Kong.

Families are also struggling with domestic relations issues. Legal Pub has discussed stars like Alec Baldwin, David Hasselhoff, and Britney Spears who have battled long on going custody disputes. Michael Polsky who must pay his ex-wife 184 million dollars as a property settlement. Families of Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and others have had to adddress alcohol or other substance abuse issues. A poor Sheriffs Deputy in Elko County must address multiple domestic relations issues with his "current" wife.

Charlotte Moore, A 36 year old off-duty Elko County sheriff's deputy (jail deputy) was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol after her husband, Mike Moore who is a fellow deputy, arrested her. Apparently, Charlotte had been drinking for two hours at a downtown business wine walk. Deputy Mike Moore reported that his wife was initially was pulled over for either speeding or making an illegal turn. Charlotte Moore allegedly fled the scene without submitting to a portable Breathalyzer test according to the Elko Daily Free Press. Being a persistent officer and perhaps a typical husband, Mike Moore pressed the issue and pulled his wife over a second time and called for backup. Mike Moore, following procedure (and perhaps regaining some common sense) left the scene after the backup officer arrived.

The Elko County Undersheriff is Rocky Gonzalez. Charlotte Moore was released and placed on paid administrative leave.
Legal Pub is not sure that Chkarlotte Moore deserves a paid vacation at the tax payer's expense!


  1. .

    Let me get this right. Entertainment and amusement etc leads to injury or death. Marriage leads to drinking. Arrests lead to lots of publicity and in Charlotte Moore's case, a paid vacation.


  2. Following the theme, I suppose Charlotte was recreating when she was on the Wine Walk.

    So, we should all work 70 hours a week, never go to amusement parks or fishing (remember your story about Austin Haley fishing with his grandpa)an certainly not marry (Marriage Strike.) Do not drink and drive, but if you do, make sure you get lots of publicity and better yet a paid leave of absence from your job. (Unless of course your job is being a public screw up, insert the name of your favorite star...)


  3. Get drunk, get a paid vacation. That is not jeopardy, that is nirvana...

    Surfer Dude

  4. What a stupid thing to do…I know, I’ll take an oath to uphold the law and then break it! That’s just insane!

    That’s not a nice place to put your husband…but he did the right thing. I’d arrest my mom for DUI! I’d rather her go to jail than take herself and somebody else to the morgue!

    And as for the paid administrative leave…it’s the law. Ever heard that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law? Radical concept…I think we should incorporate into our body of law. Wait…we do.

    We have these things called trials, and fact finding, and objective review of law, and….well, you know…due process….prior to the government subjecting people to punishment. It’s called the Constitution.


  5. L. S. So, if she is found guilty, will she pay the money back? I bet not. When I got my DWI and could not work for 2 weeks (time it took to raise the bail and secure a ride) my employer did not pay me.

    Just because she has due process does not mean she should be paid for her mistake.


  6. Oh, give her a break. We all make a mistake... or two oh just forget it.


  7. Like she has a defense L.S. She broke the law. Even her hubby knew that..

    Bet he got his butt chewed when she got home...

    Dollar Bill

  8. Geez LP,

    I read this post before my third cup of coffee this morning and couldn't put it all together. Jill, Shell, Surfer Dude managed to find some rhyme and reason to all this . . . but not me. I guess I would just have to say what Forrest Gump had to say S--@#

    As for the cop arresting his wife . . . tee hee! Would I love to be a fly on the wall the next morning!

  9. Not safe to drink or to go on rides...

  10. The legal nuances lie in that she is employed by the government. Constitutional restrictions burden the government and this changes things.

    There is more to it than this simple explanation, of course…but suffice it to say until she has been provided with due process of law, she can not be denied the benefit of her property…her job.

    I’m sure that you were employed by a private company. And no…she’ll not pay the money back…she’s innocent until proven guilty. The penalty attaches at the finding of guilt not accusation.

    And actually, because she has due process does mean she gets paid until she has been found guilty after due process…only then may action be taken against her property…her job.

    You may or may not agree here…but the Constitutional law is well-settled.


  11. So L.S., what you are saying is that she should continue the trial as long as possible. Delay. Delay. And then after two years of getting paid for not working she can enter a plea and work some where else. ( In fact, while she is on leave from the county, she can even work for someone else and get double payment.)

    Ah life on the government payroll...


  12. If that were my husband, he had better look the other way or he'd be looking out of the side of his head (or worse out of the crack of his ----) if he arrested me.


  13. Not at all.

    By all probability the Sheriffs Office will assign an IA investigator, take statements, obtain evidence, provide notice, and allow her a disciplinary hearing before an impartial board quite quickly…maybe within 2 weeks or so.

    Such administrative suspensions…pending the outcome of an internal….are common. There are the normal response to shootings, wrecks, fights, etc. Anytime the government moves to take something of yours away…it has to do so fairly, impartially, and based upon a due diligent investigation. Seems fair?

    The criminal charge brought by the state for the DUI will be separate from the internal discipline.

    And there is nothing worse than a dirty cop. NOTHING!

    Arrest her and divorce her!


  14. Ms. C., Sometimes I relie on Shell and you and Surfer dude to put it all together. The title came well after the article because of the direction the comments. The death is tragic. The arrest of a wife humerous.

    L.S. not sure she is a dirty cop just because she misjudged how much wine she drank. I have not seen the breathalyzer. I intially suspected without any proof that the husband may have been pissed that his wife was out drinking without him. I may be flat out wrong on this one. On the otherhand, your mention of divorce, while premature, could foreshadow the future. But of course that could statistically be said of 50% of all marriages.

  15. All points well made.

    I just have a 0 tolerance for alcohol and driving. I’ve seen just one too many “Sig 4I, Sig 16, with entrapment” That’s cop talk for an accident with injuries, entrapment, and lane blockage.

  16. the woman was obviously set up, hubby knew she was at the party hubby knew what kind of car she was driving and hubby knew she was on her way home. sounds like he was getting some dirt on her for a future divorce.

  17. Where the heck is Elko County? Sounds like somewhere in Montana or Idaho or something....

    Undercover right winger from Berkeley, CA

  18. Life sucks. No set up. She used bad judgment. Life goes on, even in Elko County.

  19. Elko is in Nevada. Plenty to do besides drink in Nevada. You can gamble....

    Well any way, it is in Nevada.

  20. Mike Moore and his wife should have a long happy marriage...

  21. Just another couple trying to work things out... some argue, some use hammers, others guns...

    Reminds me of Mr. and Mrs Smith with Brad Pitt

  22. This is a huge story in Elko!

  23. To Linda,

    She can't continue the case, only a judge can do that at her request. If the judge allows for 2 years worth of continuances, he's at fault, not her.


  24. She can't continue it indefinitely, but typically you can a couple of times. Sometimes it becomes easier to reach a plea bargain after the initial publicity has subsided.

  25. If she goes to prison, can we call it love on the rock?

    Surfer dude

  26. Like Brad Pit and his wife in Mr. and Mrs. Smith

  27. You can vote for this story as Legal Pub Story of the year by sending an email to


  28. Family squabble or all out roller derby?

  29. Just a couple of crazy kids trying to work things out...

  30. The amusement park thing is scary. People go to parks to have fun, not get hurt.

  31. Its a perfect place for entertainment and relaxation. We can relax and enjoy. Its a new world.
    california dui

  32. A new world and a new day, indeed.
