Saturday, July 28, 2007

Vicious Pit Bull Attack! Why not to be like Mike

Want a good reason not to be like Mike? Mike Vick apparently participated in vicious dog fighting. For most that is reason enough. Some question why vicious dogs are so bad. In Covington, Oklahoma, they answered that question when a pit bull dog had to be shot by a Garfield County sheriff's deputy after the dog attacked this town's mayor (Jim Postier) and a little boy.

The dogs knocked Jim Postier over and he hit his head on the asphalt road. Postier was flown by medical helicopter to St. Anthony Hospital in Oklahoma City for treatment of a fractured skull. Denise Kibbe said she and her teenage children were held hostage behind a fence for several hours while the dogs were running rampant. A 6 or 7 years old boy avoided injury by tucking his knees under his body and putting his hands over his head. The boy sat still until the dogs left him alone.

The Mayors son, also named Jim Postier, fought off the dogs with a long metal pole until his father (the mayor) regained consciousness. Sheriff's deputy Dennis Voth shot one dog three times in the head as it was coming toward him. William Palmer, the dogs owner, claims the female dog had always been docile and friendly. Palmer plans to euthanize the other dog that participated in the attack.

There have been too many pit bull attacks. For example, in November of 2006, a 10 year old boy in Illinois was critically injured as a result of being attacked by three pit bulls that escaped from a home and attacked six people. Police shot and killed the dogs, but not before the damage was done.

Pit Bulls are dangerous. They can become psychotic with little or no warning. Animal advocates do not want to outlaw them, fine. Pass a law that anyone who keeps such animals should be treated as if they are harboring alligators. If they attack someone, strict civil liability, mandatory $100,000 fine and criminal liability up to 5 years in jail. With such a law in place, let us see how confident such owners are that their pit bull will never bite anyone.


  1. I like the breed. But I would not trust them enough to subject myself to a $100,000 fine if they bite some one.


  2. Not all pitbulls are mean!

  3. I wouldn't trust any dog enough to take the chance of a $100k fine and 5 years in jail.

  4. "They can become psychotic with little or no warning."

    That claim is simply false.

  5. If the claim they can become psychotic with no warning is not true, then please tell us why all the owners say the dog was always gentle and had never bit or growled?

  6. I think lot's of owners of pit bulls are in denial about this breed. Sure, I've seen some that seem safe, but this breed has so many problem dogs out there, it would be better to not have pit bulls running around neighborhoods at all.

  7. I do not like pit bulls. They are very dangerous.

    Gee Gee

  8. DOg owners continue to support the breed but every time one attacks they all say, I had no idea this could happen. Other owners blame it on bad training...

    Ever stop to think liability issues are involved?

  9. Wish Mike Vick could be sued for money damages for all the bad publicity he has brought to dog owners.
