Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ultimate Quality Control Assurance in China or Fall Guy for Dictatorship?

In Beijing, China, the former head of its food and drug compliance department has been terminated (both literally and figuratively) on Tuesday for approving untested medicine in exchange for cash according to CNN. Beijing hopes to send a message by this execution (murder without a trial?) that it is serious about safety of Chinese products. (The job is now open, any takers?)
During former State Food and Drug Administration director, Zheng Xiaoyu, employment from 1998 to 2005, his agency approved six medicines that turned out to be fake. One antibiotic allegedly caused the deaths of 10 people. Zheng was 63. His subordinate, Cao Wenzhuang, was sentenced to death for accepting bribes. (Live Like You Were dieing ) Cao was given a two-year reprieve. His sentence may be commuted to life in prison if he is judged to be reformed.Zheng, 63, was accused of taking cash and gifts worth $832,000.


  1. Sounds like Willie Nelson form of justice, roundem up all the bad guys and hangem from the highest tree.


  2. I hope they don't recall all the Chinese parts on my pace maker...

    oops, not feeling real good ... gotta go....

  3. Sounds like something out of a movie. You are incompetent, so you die...

    In the China Governments defense, it appears that perhaps they had proof he accepted illegal (as opposed to legal) bribes.

  4. Thanks for the how to on the noose. As a surfer dude, you never know how close to the edge you need to go to catch the next wave.

    Surfer Dude

  5. Keep in mind that China is like the wild west in America from a legal standpoint, just working on getting their legal system put together correctly. And I'm sure more than one snake oil salesman was killed in the US for selling snake oil.....ever watch Gunsmoke?

    China also has a substantial problem with air pollution in their cities, but this reminds me of the industrial age in the US when New York, Chicago and San Francisco were full of manufacturing facilities, long before the EPA.

    It's easy to look at China as very different until you consider the US at various points in its brief history.

  6. As for industrial development, Ron, you are probably right on. But from a political and governmental standpoint, they are an ancient dictatorship in main land China.

    While people may have hung a few here in the states, the government did not do that without at least an attempt at a fair trial.

    Iron Mike

  7. After reading this, I will change my dining from the China Buffet to the Sushi Bar.

  8. Geez, you think this might be a deterrent?
