Friday, July 13, 2007

Teens Growing Up Too Quickly is Not Always a Bad Thing?

I have heard many adults complain that kids are growing up too quickly. But here is an example where it may be a good thing. A new study out of Washington suggest that teens are becoming more and more like married people. (They are having less and less sex!) The study indicates that fewer high school students are having sex and when they do, it is more likely that they are using condoms. It is good news that the teen birth rate has hit a record low. More teens then ever are graduating from high school. Ed Sondik , director of the National Center for Health Statistics said, "The implications for the population are quite positive in terms of their health and their well-being." This means the risk of sexually transmitted diseases is lower. The birth rate in the 15-19 age group was 40 per 1,000 in 2005 down from ten years ago.


  1. Just like old married guys.

  2. I think it is good news that teenagers are waiting longer. Sure wish I did.


  3. This seems contrary to some other reports that indicate teens are having sex at an early age these days. While it may be safe sex, it is still sex for kids that don't understand what they are doing.


  4. Joy, these are the latest statistics according to the A.P. In fact the % reduction was a pleasant surprise to most. Of those having sex, a higher % then ever are using condoms. All good news for disease prevention.

  5. Good training for the men. They will have almost no sex once they are married.


  6. I struck out in high school and felt so alone. Maybe now if I were in school, I would be in the majority.


  7. Frigid teens. What is the world coming to?

  8. Interesting. . . but I wonder how these questions were profered and how honest the answers were. . .

  9. I just graduated from high school. I struck out every year, including this past senior year. Prom was a waste. I felt like I was the only virgin in the senior class. I felt so weird. Now I do not feel so bad knowing sex among teens is on the decline. I just hope the trend does not rub off to college girls.


  10. Iron Mike said...

    Hang in their Brian it gets better. you may want to ask "didyoueverstopto think" who posts on here. He wrote a book God is a Woman which gives young fellows like you a little help in meeting girls.

    Iron Mike
