Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Our Favorite Screw Up, Lindsay Lohan Arrested for Second DWI?

Lindsay Lohan was apparently arrested again for drunk driving early this morning. Lindsay joins the two time losers club with her second DWI in less than three months. She was picked up by the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. Lindsay is now a proud 21-year-old with two DWIs! How proud her mom must be!

Lohan still faces charges of DWI and misdemeanor hit and run as a result of her Memorial day mistake. The arresting officer is also reporting that Lindsay had some cocaine in her possession. Apparently at the time of the arrest, Lindsay was chasing the mother of Lindsay's former assistant in her car.

Lindsay has been through rehab and even voluntarily wore a SCRAM alcohol monitoring bracelet for a couple of weeks. So much for reform and rehabilitation.

Update 5-25-10: Lohan left the Beverly Hills courthouse Monday wearing an alcohol monitoring device. She will be subject to weekly random drug tests. Its possible that she won't be able to go to Texas to work on a film that had been scheduled. Missing last weeks court date because she claimed she was stuck in Cannes, France, after her passport was stolen, was not a good move. Lohan is on probation for drunk driving and Judge Marsha N. Revel has order Lohan not to consume alcohol, to wear an alcohol monitoring bracelet and to submit to random drug testing every week in Los Angeles. Lohan must also attend a weekly alcohol treatment program. Next hearing is July 6.

Update 9-21-10: Judge Fox has revoked Lindsay Lohan's probation. According to her Twitter, Lohan acknowledged admitted that she failed a recent drug test and that she was "prepared to appear before judge Fox next week."


  1. Do you know how to spell loser?

    L-I-N-D-S-A-Y L-O-H-A-N

  2. I agree with the Shell post under Michael Vick. Pair the two losers up together. Both have ruined their careers!


  3. Say it aint so...

  4. does it really matter how it is spelled she is still stupid for doing it?!?

  5. One of these days, either Paris, Lindsey or any one of these over-paid Hollywood brats is going to kill someone... What a trial that would be. . .

  6. I see a lawsuit coming. Lindsay was wearing the SCRAM ankle cuff, which is supposed to send an alarm to the monitoring agency when alcohol is consumed. Who was monitoring? Why wasn't someone dispatched to stop Lindsay as soon as she had her first drink? It wasn't her fault! - the company was negligent in their monitoring! THEY'RE responsible!

    What a shame. The girl has (had?) some talent. I don't beleive any studio will risk hiring her.

  7. Spoiled Hollywood Brat sums it up!

  8. Sorry, but I have to provide the other side of the story. Lindsay is very talented, very rich, and still young. What would the typical 21 year old do with too much money at her age?

    Keep in mind that she was modeling at age 3, at age 12 she starred in a film that grossed $92 million, and her father spent most of her preteen years in prison for securities fraud. Studies have shown the importance of a father in a young girl's life.

    I know she is the favorite troubled actress to poke at, but her problems with drinking, drugs and the law should not surprise us, since she has made more money that most make in a lifetime at the ripe old age of 21!

    Money isn't everything, and can destroy people who can't handle it.

  9. true...but that still doesnt give her the right to break the law! and everyone makes mistakes but 2 within that little of a time difference come on now there has to be something else behind it!

  10. Money does not matter. Looks don't count. What counts is the law, baby. Follow it or pay the price.


  11. Lohan needs help not jail buddies.

  12. Lindsay not likly to appear on her mommy's reality t.v. show.

  13. Update 5-25-10: Lohan left the Beverly Hills courthouse Monday wearing an alcohol monitoring device. She will be subject to weekly random drug tests. Its possible that she won't be able to go to Texas to work on a film that had been scheduled. Missing last weeks court date because she claimed she was stuck in Cannes, France, after her passport was stolen, was not a good move. Lohan is on probation for drunk driving and Judge Marsha N. Revel has order Lohan not to consume alcohol, to wear an alcohol monitoring bracelet and to submit to random drug testing every week in Los Angeles. Lohan must also attend a weekly alcohol treatment program. Next hearing is July 6.
