Monday, July 23, 2007

Is Mark Goudeau Arizona's "Base Line Killer ?" Update: Wendy Carr Says No. Update 9-15-09

Mark Goudeau, a former "MOST WANTED" star is charged with twenty crimes, including sexual assault, arising out of an alleged September 2005 attack on two sisters. During the police investigation of the Baseline Killer (a serial killer named for a Phoenix street where many of the early attacks took place) the police stumbled on to Goudeau who is accused of sexually assaulting two sisters. Goudeau, age 42, lived near the place where several attacks occurred between August 2005 and June 2006. Goudeau was arrested on September 6, 2006. Apparently Prosecutors plan to show that Goudeau's DNA links him to the September 2005 attack on the sisters in South Phoenix Park.

The first trial began today and is expected to last several weeks. A second trial on nine murder counts has not yet been scheduled. Goudeau has pleaded not guilty to all charges. DNA will play a critical part in the first trial.

Update 7-29-07: Mark Goudeau's wife, Wendy Carr, denies her husband is the Baseline Killer. She told the A.P. there is no way Goudeau is the serial predator who attacked 24 people and killed nine. "Mark is not slick enough to be pulling the wool over anybody's eyes. I don't think I would have been as happy as I was if there was weird stuff happening," she said. Wendy claims her husband is a victim of police "racially profiling."

Goudeau is innocent until otherwise proven guilty.

Update 12-20: Goudeau has been sentenced to 438 years in prison for the sexual assaults of two sisters. Mark Goudeau still faces trial in the slayings of eight women and a man. Goudeau had maintained throughout his trial that he was innocent despite allegedly being identified by both sisters as their attacker. DNA apparently was consistent with him being the perpetrator at least as to the rape of one of the sisters. Goudeau (43) is accused of being "Baseline Killer." .

If convicted of murder, Goudeau could get the death sentence. A Blog devoted to Mark Goudeau's innocence can be found here: LINK

Update 9-15-09: Is a possible lawsuit against the police in the works? See comment 9-14-09 from Mike and the link.


  1. From what I know, they do not have enough evidence to prove he killed all those people. Prosecution appears to be stalling hoping to try their better case first.


  2. He has a look of a killer. I bet he did do it.


  3. Now actually, this one is not too bad looking. He has that bad boy thing going for him... or he takes a good jail mug shot. If he wins the assault trial, he will surely win the murder charges.

    If he does, us "lucky" single girls, will find him back in the dating pool.


  4. Yes, Shell, Goudeau is such a "lady killer."

  5. IF he is guilty, then he is pond scum who deserves execution!


  6. Shell, I have read several of your posts over the last couple of weeks. I just had to post to tell you, you are very funny. If you are not a famous comedian, you sure should be.Thanks for brightening my day.


  7. I agree blond bombshell's sarcasm has made may day on more than one occasion.

  8. I think we know from the OJ trial that DNA evidence is not very useful.

    If he has good counsel, he will get out of this rap.

  9. A general rule is to try your strongest case first. The DNA in the assault case will be difficult to over come.

    Since the O.J. Simpson criminal trial, investigators do a much better job collecting and preserving DNA evidence.

    I suggest in the first case, a conviction is likely. Sorry Shell, not likely to return to the dating pool anytime soon in my view.

  10. Mark and his wife claim he is innocent of the killings!


  11. Yup, I don't think he did all the killings either...

    His wife would have suspected something if he did.

  12. He may be innocent of all those murders...

  13. I may also win the lottery...

  14. I don't think he killed all of them either.


  15. Stand by your man...

    tra la la

  16. Update 12-20: Goudeau has been sentenced to 438 years in prison for the sexual assaults of two sisters. Mark Goudeau still faces trial in the slayings of eight women and a man. Goudeau had maintained throughout his trial that he was innocent despite allegedly being identified by both sisters as their attacker. DNA apparently was consistent with him being the perpetrator at least as to the rape of one of the sisters. Goudeau (43) is accused of being "Baseline Killer." .

    If convicted of murder, Goudeau could get the death sentence. A Blog devoted to Mark Goudeau's innocence can be found at the link on the first page.

  17. what do you mean he looks like a killer? how do they look. you cannot judge a book by the cover. and who are we to judge. for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD

  18. I agree Kim, you can not judge a book by its cover. Who are any of us to judge unless we are a sitting juror or judge.

    Let's hope that all the truth comes out and that all of what has been said in the way of accusations will be proved to be false. And should one or more allegation be true, I pray that Mark find salvation in the Lord.


  19. J.J. you are either a real kind man or a kook.

  20. On September 7, 2007, Goudeau was convicted in Maricopa County Superior Court on all 19 counts involving sexual assault. There was 7½ weeks of testimony but the verdict took less than a day to reach. He was convicted of all 19 charges relating to the two Phoenix sisters. On December 14, 2007, he was sentenced to 438 years in prison for the crime.

    He has yet to be tried for 74 charges attributed to the Baseline Killer investigation and must be presumed innocent unless otherwise proven in a court of law.

  21. Phoenix Police Brass Let Serial Killer Rampage to Protect Turf

    Phoenix, AZ) A $22,000,000 Notices of Claim was filed today alleging intentional, reckless and grossly negligent conduct by members of the Phoenix Police Department and the Phoenix Crime laboratory that directly lead to 37 year old Romelia Vargas' murder on February 20, 2006 at the hands of the media labeled "Baseline Serial Killer," Mark Goudeau. The Notices of Claim was filed by Attorney Marc Victor on behalf of Alvin Vargas, the husband of Romelia Vargas and five of her six children. No word on whether other injured families are contacting Mr. Victor's Law Office to join in the law suit.
    More here:

  22. I don't think Mark did all what they think he did!
