Thursday, July 19, 2007

Gloria Ramirez and Anthony Moya Practicing Cryogenics of Just Trying to keep a Fetus Cool?

It is hot in Lubbock, Texas; however it is even hotter for Gloria Ramirez who is being scrutinized by Child Protective Services. Investigators arrived at Ms. Ramirez home after she had called the funeral home about a casket for a 4 month old fetus. The fetus was found in the refrigerator in a baby wipe box. (Not Legal Pub's idea of "Chilling." ) Wednesday, a judge ordered seven young children removed from the Ramirez home. The home was infested with rats and filled with garbage. A 4 feet high stack of dirty diapers was found in closets.

On July 7 decaying food, trash bins overflowing, and dirty mattresses with no sheets were allegedly discovered by Child Protective Services. The youngest of the children was 11 months. The children were treated for head lice and two for suspected dehydration. Anthony Moya, is the 40-year-old father of the six younger children. It is anticipated that both Ramirez and Moya will be charged with child endangerment.

A city code enforcement inspector cited the home for 37 violations, including unsafe wiring, no hot water heater, holes in exterior walls and no proper connection to public sewer and water systems. Ramirez is represented by attorney Lisa Ratzke. Judge Blair Cherry told Ramirez and Moya that the agency's goal is to reunite the family.

In May 1999, CPS took the oldest daughter and Ramirez' son because of alleged physical neglect. The parents completed a program and regained custody in October 2000. (If the course had been graded, I wonder what their grade would have been?)

Update 5-6-09: Ramirez, a 28-year-old mother of nine, is on trial for multiple counts of child endangerment and one count of injury to a child after police allegedly found her seven children in a poorly maintained home in July 2007. Ramirez youngest children, twins, were taken from her three days after their birth last May. Ramiriez is currently expecting another child. And the hits just keep coming...


  1. This is really sick!Looks like another example of "reform."


  2. Keeping a fetus on ice is not "cool."

  3. The goal of the court system is always to reunite families.


  4. Here, the goal is a waste. Do we wait until one of the kids die before we call it a failed attempt at reunification?

  5. This story brings new meaning to the old phrase:

    "Be Cool, Baby"

    Surfer Dude

  6. Baby, that is as cold as ice!

  7. She may be looking for a new fatherly type. You up to the challenge Mr. Coburn?


  8. There's more than neglectful parenting going on there; sounds like serious mental illness.

    When (if??) the parents have proven that they are able to function normally, and maintain a healthy environment - that's when the discussion should begin about regaining custody of their children.

  9. Colleency, the reunification process, by state statute, typicallly starts right away. It is a long process and CPS and the Judge must be convinced that reunification is in the best interest of the children.

    As I understand it, these folks have been through the process once before...

  10. To borrow a title from Michael Mohr...


  11. 4 feet of dirty diapers... yuck!

  12. ". . . the reunification process, by state statute, typicallly starts right away. It is a long process and CPS and the Judge must be convinced that reunification is in the best interest of the children. . . "

    Sadly true, and the odds are anyone can play the game and jump through all the hoops until the children are returned to them. Change is not easy and not quick and too often the children are returned to the same chaos they left.

    I agree with "did you ever stop to think" :
    Sad. I saw a bumpersticker a other day that said it all:
    Stupid people should not breed.

  13. Well, CPS can also be like the gestopo. Too often you can have babies taken away from moms for rather trivial reasons. It may be in the interest of precaution, but sometimes it is because foster parents are egar for a baby and hope they ulitmately can adopt the child.

    If all stupid people were prevented from breeding, then as "blond bombshell" would say: that would eliminate all men and thus the race would die out.


  14. I agree that family should always be restored if possible, but are we really doing what is in the best interst of the children? The parents passed one course, how many courses can we allow and expect these children to turn out as upstanding citizens?

  15. MO

    People are not perfect. They will make mistakes. Sometimes they will make repeat mistakes. But people are capable of learning. Eventually, most parents either get it or the children become old enough to be emancipated. The foster system is designed to only be temporary bridges in such parenting.

  16. The problem is that some parents are so incapable, the children by age 6 or 7 are smarter then mom and dad. This is a recipe for disaster.

  17. That is just plain cold.

  18. Mr. Iceman... Tasty freeze, you name it, they could be called it.

  19. Talk about time freezing...

  20. Some times life is just "slip sliding a way. The mere mortal destination keeps slip sliding a way."

  21. Update 5-6-09: Ramirez, the 28-year-old mother of nine, is on trial for multiple counts of child endangerment and one count of injury to a child after police allegedly found her seven children in a poorly maintained home in July 2007.

    Ramirez youngest children, twins, were taken from her three days after their birth last May. Ramiriez is currently expecting another child.

  22. This woman is now 8 months pregnant
