Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Does Harrel Franklin Braddy Belong with the Gators?

Does Harrel Franklin Braddy deserve to spend some solitary confinement with the Gators. (Legal Pub is not talking about time with a National Championship Football team.) Harrel Franklin Braddy had been released early from prison for "good behavior." He had served 13 years of a 30 year sentence for attempted murder. (Was it working with reptiles?) He became friends with Shandelle Maycock and her 5 year old daughter, Quatisha. Back in November of 1998, Braddy was asked by Maycock to leave her home. Braddy allegedly responded by choking Maycock until she was unconscious. Braddy then forced Maycock and her daughter into his car. Maycock apparently regained consciousness, and jumped with her child out of the moving car.

Braddy allegedly caught the woman and put her in the trunk. Maycock never saw her daughter again. Braddy then apparently drove to a section of the Everglades (Alligator Alley) and dropped the five year old in the marsh. She was killed by alligators.

Braddy's trial had been delayed for almost years because of several changes in his representation. His attorney, G.P. Della Feram, declined to comment. Braddy escaped from the courthouse after trying to strangle a Miami-Dade corrections officer in 1984. Consequently, security remains high. Braddy was convicted of first-degree murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, burglary and escape. He faces the death penalty.

Update: Edit. Maycock was 22 at the time of the crime. Braddy is now 57. He is described as a well built 6' 220 lb paralegal. Yes, a paralegal. He has used the prison system to study law. Not surprisingly, it is anticipated that he could tie up a decision to execute him many years in the Appellate Courts. So much for reform...


  1. This is once again a prime example of men who are scum. The world is full of swine and Braddy is one of the many.The man had a second chance and he blew it. Throwing a five year old to the gators is simply torture beyond imagination. There is no punishment to great for this poor excuse of a man.


  2. Shell, do you support the death penalty or amnesty for this guy?

    I think the death penalty is an appropriate end for this guy, it's just often far too expensive and too long of a process.

  3. He's an animal...unfit for society in any way, shape or form.

  4. Bad is not severe enough to describe this poor excuse for a man.


  5. Any one who would do this to a poor innocent girl deserves to be hung over the alligator pit himself.


  6. I am not usually in favor of the death penalty. But in this case, even death is too kind of a fate.

  7. This was a despicable thing to do.

  8. I vote for the solitary confinement over the alligator pit. And I am a Christian!


  9. This is just a plain sick, evil man!

  10. I feel for Ms. Maycock. Your child should not have had to endure such torture.


  11. Now we know what name the devil is going by these days...

  12. No punishment will ever bring this little girl back...

  13. What good behavior gets you off 17 years for attempted murder?

  14. Early Release = license to kill

  15. Some one, any one, stand up and post why this man should not be executed?

    James for the Big D

  16. Ok, me. I say it was not intentional. I think that maybe the child tried to get away by jumping out of the car. Unfortunately, she rolled into the swamp with the gators.

    There, I said it. And I think it is possible. The court should look into this defense before they consider the death penalty.


  17. He probably already has a profile up... Honestly, at what point did we sway too far over to protecting individual rights and worrying about an individual, over the rights of protecting the masses and the innocent? The idea of early release for good behavior itself is ridiculous. No doubt it is due to the large number of prisoners and lack of space; fine, cram ten in one cell. Make prison as undesirable as possible and perhaps people will think twice; don't reward criminals for having such large "organization," which is what early release is. Crazy!

  18. Drop HIM in the water with the gators.

    No cost at all to the taxpayer.

    This SOB needs to die, heinously, NOW.

  19. to the person who thinks that this child "fell" into the water : you obviously DO NOT have children for you to make a comment like that!!!! that is the stupidest comment i have every heard of!!! if she had "fallen" like you think she may have, then why wouldn't the guy have gone and gotten her!! It's ppl like you that allow these monsters to get off on a "technicality". GROW UP!!!!!!!!! the child was murdered!! she was thrown ALIVE into the water w/ aligators...use her head!!!! she didn't fall in..She was THROWN in by this monster!!!!!!

  20. This is a heinous crime ... done by an evil person who had no regard for anyone but himself, including an innocent child!!! Once a criminal always a criminal!!

    What makes me angry is the fact that he will feel no pain when he is executed ... and he will never know the pain and fear that this poor little angel had to face and indure in her last moments of life!!

    I say we put him in a pit with the alligators and let them have their way with him!!

  21. Even if she fell in...which I highly doubt...her death was the direct result of being kidnapped. He is responsible. And, anywya, isn't kidnapping a crime eligible for the death penalty also?

  22. Well, the mom and the daughter did jump out of the car at least once. Who is to say that the child did not jump out a second time?

    Does not our Christian teaching tell us that two rights do not make a wrong? Surely, this man should have a chance to reconcile with God during a long prison sentence?

    Praying Soul

  23. What is so wrong with giving this man one more chance?

    The crime was a long time ago. Maybe he has reformed.

    Hillary P.

  24. Bleeding hearts! Feed him to the crocs!

  25. Wait,as a man of the cloth, I caution you all. In the words of Isiah, Come let us reason. If his name were Brady instead of Braddy, would we all be calling for his death? Braddy presumably has a family. Let's call them the Braddy Bunch. Do you really want the Braddy Bunch to suffer needlessly for what Harrell did many years ago? What if Harrell were on drugs and temporarily insane?

    Let's put him in prison and let his family see him. Let him get treatment. If he shapes up in 20 years, put him before a parol review board.

    Death for Death is Barbaric. Let's be civilized.


  26. Wow. Too bad there is no god, because that means there's no hell either, so he won't get to rot for eternity.

    And for the "good christians" in the bunch, how many chances should a person get? If someone threw my 2-year old daughter into an alligator pit, it would take me 3 weeks to finish peeling his skin off in a salt bath.

  27. This really makes me question that there is a God. The thought of the terror that girl went through makes me sick.

    Skin that bastard in a public place, and let it take him weeks to die!!

  28. How could our Criminal Justice system allow good behavior for this guy?

    There is not a form of the death penalty good enough to suit Mr. Braddy. Death, he most certainly deserves, let's save some of our tax dollars and send him to the gators. Even if we could, there is no pain too great he could endure that could be compared to what he put Quatisha through. My thoughts go out to her Mother, Shandelle.

    Schedule an early date, like tomorrow, for Mr. Braddy to be gator-bait.

  29. Sad... We have people here who have left comments defending the criminal- the murderer, when no one defended that little girl. Why defend him, the guilty, when he didn't defend the innocent child?

    My anger gets the best of me in such situations and I must say I can see no better ending for such a man than to be tied to a very heavy object and left in that same swamp he left that child. But, we are a civilized nation and I realize we must give him due process. However, as a people, we must remember that anyone capable of such acts is not fit for our society. He has proven more than once that he has no place in our society. He is a complete waste. A waste of money, resources, and oxygen.
    For those who say "maybe he was high" or "insane". High and insane people are all around us, yet they aren't committing such crimes.

    My justification for capital punishment:
    The penalty for such a crime was established long before the crime was committed, therefore he accepted the penalty by committing the crime. It is not us who may sentence him to death, but himself- through his own actions. Don't do the crime if you aren't willing to pay the consequences.

    It is my opinion that the quicker we get his trial over with and him dispatched from this life (for that is what he deserves) the better. Let him make peace with God while he is eaten alive- be it by gators, by the chair, or by the noose. I care not!

  30. I second the motion: Let him be gator bate!

  31. Malinda, you are kidding, aren't you??

    "I say it was not intentional. I think that maybe the child tried to get away by jumping out of the car. Unfortunately, she rolled into the swamp with the gators."

    Don't you just hate it when those "unfortunate" things happen?

    And I guess you also think Braddy ACCIDENTALLY tried to choke Ms. Maycock?

    And when he realized that didn't work, he ACCIDENTALLY chased her down and caught her?

    And he ACCIDENTALLY dropped her into the trunk just before he ACCIDENTALLY slammed the trunk shut, and ACCIDENTALLY drove to the Everglades?

    Oh, and I suppose that attempted murder (for which he served less than half his sentence), was also ACCIDENTAL??

    Some guys just don’t have any luck.

    He should get the death penalty.

    I am proud to call myself a liberal, but it’s people like Malinda -- who make excuses instead of holding people accountable when they commit horribly evil crimes -- who make all liberals look like a bunch of sniveling little weenies.

  32. What we all need is time to heal. A time to mend. Mr. Braddy's soule needs to mend. By turning to God during his time in jail, he can change.

    Social reform can convert him into a decent person. Even if he gets life in prison, he can become an example to others and his life will not be lost without worth.

    While I feel for the little girl, She has certainly been in heaven for years. The sole of Mr.Braddy; however, is still with us. It can be saved.


  33. Praying Soul says, "Surely, this man should have a chance to reconcile with God during a long prison sentence?"

    Apparently he didn't reconcile with God during his 13-year prison sentence for attempted murder.

    He will have the chance to reconcile with God . . . shortly after he is strapped to a gurney and his lethal injection begins.

    Braddy had better hope God has more mercy on his soul than Braddy had for that innocent little girl.

  34. To the man of the cloth (J.J.), let me speak for many when I say, there comes a time that the wicked need to be punished. Prisons are full of people who are capable of reform. Let me assure you, that I have met many who have in fact reformed. Mr. Braddy,however, exemplifies the type of evil that has no place on this earth. The only appropriate place for him is damnation.

    While only "God" can eternally damn an individual to hell, in Terre Haute, Indiana there exist a machine that can provide speedy transportation to his ultimate judgement day. As McVey found out before him, even kind open minded people have a limit. Braddy more than passed that limit as he fed a defenseless child to the Gators.


  35. I just have doubt. If he admitted he did it with malace, perhaps I would think differently. All I know is that the child and mom jumped out of the moving car and he had to recapture them. Why would the 5 year old not jump out again?

    My head has some doubts about his intent. I generally do not believe in the death penalty. Put him in jail and let him think about it. Maybe, in 1-20 years, he will be a changed man.


  36. Hillary P.:

    You want to know what is so wrong with giving this monster one more chance?

    That WAS his second chance. Those 13 years he served for attempted murder apparently had little effect on him -- other than to make him into a brutal, cold-blooded child killer who has no regard for anyone else's life.

    Yes, the crime was a long time ago, but the nine-year delay was because he fired several of his attorneys over the years (check

    And just what are the chances he has reformed, as you suggest? And even so, some crimes are so heinous that he ultimate punishment is suitable.

    STOP feeling bad for this monster and START thinking about the innocent 5-year-old girl who undoubtedly suffered unimaginable torture during her last few moments.

  37. Malinda, you do make a point about the jumping out of the car. In Florida there is a lot of swamp. This particular place, however, has a reputation of housing a lot of gators.

    The autopsy revealed that the child was alive when she was attacked by gators. That had to be a painful death which might prejudice a jury.

    Thanks for standing up and telling us what you think.


  38. I am against the death penalty in this case. Call me a liberal, but I am against it. He only killed one person. It could have been a mistake as Malinda suggests.

    Maybe he abandoned the child and she wandered into this area. While criminal, maybe not enough to justify this death. Would you all think the death penalty was justified if she wandered away from the car and had died 4 weeks later in a hospital of pneumonia?
    I think not.

    It is the fact that she was ate by Gators that is influencing your view of the offense.

    Hillary P.

  39. Malinda . . .

    "All I know is that the child and mom jumped out of the moving car and he had to recapture them. Why would the 5 year old not jump out again?"

    Poor, little, defenseless Harrel Franklin Braddy!

    You're right. It was that little 5-year-old girl's fault.

    If that little 5-year-old girl had not tried to jump from the moving car as she and her mother were being brutally KIDNAPPED, this never would have happened.

    But it was that little 5-year-old girl's fault. If she and her mother had just been obedient little hostages, then Braddy wouldn't have -- as you put it -- "HAD TO recapture them."

    How inconsiderate of them.

    Do you realize how absurd you sound with that one statement alone?

    Damn the little 5-year-old child, release Braddy, and then all will be right with the world.

    In fact, Malinda, let's release all of the murderers, rapists and kidnappers from prison. I'm sure now that they've been in jail for "1-20" years, I'm sure they've all changed, just like you say Braddy will.

    And, Malinda, I'm sure you will be willing to let all of those "changed" former murderers, rapists and kidnappers move into your neighborhood. In fact, I'm sure you'd love to have them all move in next door to you. I'm sure they would all make wonderful neighbors.

    I know that sounds ridiculous, but I'm just echoing the intelligence you demonstrated in your previous posts.

    And yes, I'm still proud to call myself a liberal, but one more post like yours, and I may have to convert.

  40. Hillary P. . . .

    "He only killed one person. It could have been a mistake . . ."

    "Maybe he abandoned the child and she wandered into this area . . ."

    Please excuse me while I go vomit.

    And maybe, just maybe, Harrell Braddy didn't actually kill the girl. And maybe he didn't even kidnap the girl and her mother. Maybe it was a . . . space alien who morphed into a body double for poor Mr. Braddy.

    Yeah, yeah, that's it.

    And maybe, Mr. Braddy has a very good alibi to prove that he was nowhere near the crime scene.

    Let's see, maybe he was busy . . . at choir practice at his church, right before he was scheduled to visit the elderly in a local nursing home and before he was going to his volunteer shift in the local food pantry.

    Yeah, yeah, that's it. It's all a misunderstanding. Mr. Braddy is such an upstanding, model citizen, he just couldn't POSSIBLY be guilty.

    Give me a break. We don't need "maybe" or "could have."

    It's an insult to that poor child's memory to have you and Malinda sobbing over "poor" old Mr. Braddy.

    That's it. I'm turning in my liberal card and converting to the other side. At least a conservative wouldn't be feeling bad for this evil killer.

  41. Malinda and Hillary P. --

    I suppose if Braddy took out a gun and shot little Quatisha in the head five or six times, it wouldn't have been his fault either.

    It would have been the girl's fault for getting in the way of the bullets.

    Whether or not he should get the death penalty is one thing. While I believe he should be executed for this horrible crime, I realize that live in prison with NO chance of parole would be a much, much worse punishment.

    But to sit there and try to make excuses for this lowlife slug is just unconscionable.

  42. Well, I am a conservative and I grieve for the child.


  43. Well, it is all about what justifies the death penalty. Intentional murder or intentional kidnapping may warrant the punishment under the existing law, as I understand it.

    So I am not blaming the child for jumping out of the car. I am merely saying if she jumped out of the car and accidentally ended up in the gator pit, the requisite intent for capital punishment has not been met.

    I grieve for the loss of this poor girl. But in my book the death penalty is not appropriate if there is reasonable doubt on the intent of the Defendant.

  44. Great site. Like your topic selection. Not sure how I feel about the death penalty, but I agree, this man is evil scum.


  45. This guy should have his arm severed and he be left in gator infested waters so that he knows the fear this poor child felt. Lethal injection would be to humane for this animal. This garbage will live another 10 years plus on appeals then die peacefully. He should be killed now.

  46. If God would like him to live then when he is thrown to the crocks that would be an appropiate time. Seems there is references to such saves from lions in the Bible.

  47. Sportsdoc, would this child have died instantly from the Alligator Bite or would she have suffered?


  48. If she did not suffer, Rolando, would you then oppose the death penalty?

  49. I would agree to let him out if he was going to live with Malinda and J.J.
    Then they could help him straighten out and think about what he's done.

  50. Ms. Maycock, I hope you can someday reach some closure regarding the tragic death of your daughter. Too often, life is snatched away from the innocent young. While it does not seem fair that she was prematurely taken, I hope you can treasure the 5 years that you were blessed with her presence.

    As to Mr. Braddy, there is little argument that would advocate for leniency in my view. Be thankful that I am not the Prosecutor, Judge or a Jurorin your case.

  51. If Mr. Braddy turned his heart to God and truly repented and reformed, he would be welcome among my flock.


  52. I wonder why God did not step in and help the little girl as the crocodiles approached her? Or while her mom was being chocked into unconsciousness?
    I suppose that due to free will, he was powerless to intervene or simply indifferent. Maybe there were a lot of people praying the Ynankees would pull out a victory in the 9th inning and he was distracted?

  53. Leaving emotions out of it, one has to believe that the 5 year old girl, with a full life in front of her, might be playing hopscotch at the present time if the predator did not kidnap her.

  54. Let a jury see the pictures of the little girl after she was found and I will give you a jury and judge who will without hesitation issue the death penalty. Images are the number one persuasion technique.

  55. Now you are starting to understand what I am saying. The emotional impact of this case gets us all excited and demands bloody justice.

    I bet the photos of the little girl were so powerful that not even an innocent man could get a fair trial.

    I am not saying he is innocent. I just say before he dies, one must be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that he intended to kill the girl.

  56. Wait, is your theory that Braddy was in love with the woman and that she rejected him?

    I had read where she asked him to leave and he became enraged.

    Are you suggesting the "jilted lover" defense?


  57. The good thing about the dealth penalty is that it prevents imbeciles like Malinda and J.J. from letting the guy out 10-20 years from now. The bad thing about the death penalty, among many, is that it's too quick and painless for this monster.

  58. I think what Malinda is saying is that he was enraged because he wanted to be more than friends. When he was booted from her home he flew into a rage.

    Sounds like temporary insanity to me

    Hillary P.

  59. On behalf of Marriage Strike Advocates everywhere, not even I could blame this on the poor woman or her child.

    Marriage strike advocate.

  60. People (if you want to call them that) like this are for real…and they live among us. Our laws need to change. He needs to expeditiously and cheaply be put to death. Period.

    This continued policy of giving those who commit crimes medical care, dental care, food, shelter, clothing, cable TV, a warm dry bed, a nice library, religious accommodation, etc. needs to STOP! Throw the animals in a damn pit and let them have at each other. The prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment is to stop the stuff they did to William Wallace…it was never intended to give criminals all that hard working, honest, law abiding citizens have to fight for each day for and still might not get!

    Enough is enough! Give them two baloney sandwiches and a couple a glasses of water a day. Hungry? Sucks to be you. Got a toothache? Sucks to be you. Get the picture? Treat the criminals like the animals they are. And lock them up in places they don’t want to go back to!

    As for this guy, give me a good range estimate and a wind reading!

  61. I cannot even believe I read this story right!!! I would like to take that guy, strip him of his skin, roll him in salt and feed him to the gators!!! What a disgusting POS!!!!

    - Mad-Dog

  62. A lifetime of racism is probably to blame for Mr. Braddy's actions. We shouldn't impose a "white" sense of justice on his actions. I'm sure the police did not treat him fairly and there's no way a fine Nubian brother can get a fair shake in the "white" courthouse. Hopefully, he will draw an all black jury and Braddy will have a smart lawyer that can bamboozle the jury much like the OJ Simpson episode.

  63. Mad dog, I am with you!


  64. Yesterday Legal Pub had a sniper story on sniper killing his wife. He had a good wind reading but not a good reading on how quickly he would become a suspect... How is that for a wind reading?

    Killing this guy when there is still doubt is not the answer. This child's death may not have been intentional. That is all I am saying. Executing this man will not bring back this little girl.


  65. Racism exists! Abuse exists! Attorneys play these cards all the time. And some prosecutors, like in the Duke La Cross case, attempt to win at all costs.

    Some where in between is Justice. Remember it is better for 100's of guilty men to go free than for a single innocent man to die.

    Hillary P.

  66. When will black women stop making such bad choices in men? Did she want him to be her next Baby Daddy?

  67. I’m pretty sure he was close enough so as to not need a wind reading and I would also bet he expected to be a suspect before she hit the floor…but I digress.

    I understand killing him won’t bring her back…I get that. But, one is presumed to intend the foreseeable consequences of their actions. Gee…maybe I missing something here as a born and bred native Floridian…but messing around anywhere near that area is FOOL ON STUPID! You’re going to get eaten. Period.

    And as for executing him, he needs to die just for beating her up, throwing her in a car, kidnapping her kid, etc…Heck, if you’re so soft for him…have him live with you on your dime!

    All I’m really saying is he needs to go bye-bye and quickly!

  68. I am in favor of a swift execution. If he is any kind of man, he will spare the tax payers the expense of an appeal.

    What he did was wrong. It was evil.

    I say round up all the bad boys and hangem from the highest tree. It is time to set em down. Now!


  69. Me thinks Hillary P. spends/spent too much time in mommy’s and daddy’s idealistic living room and/or sleeps safe at night while others fight the wolves who want to eat her.

    I too wish for such an idyllic life…it’s unfortunate perhaps but I’ve got a bit too much of “I’m not blind to the real world….been there, done that” to see it that way.

    God bless her naivety/idealism.

  70. Willie! Thanks for stopping by. Yup. Set em down!


  71. Legal Pub welcomes the U.S. Army, and U.S. Air force. Here at Legal Pub we appreciate how you sacrifice your lives to keep us free.

  72. Come 2008, their will be a new mood in Washington. With the new people, new ideas will come. One of those ideas is to put more restrictions on states with death penalties.

    The current system executes a disproportionate amount of minorities. I agree with the poster who says this discrimination must stop.


  73. "there" may be a new mood, but I doubt if it will restrict capital punishment.

  74. Don't count your votes before they are hatched, Suzann. Besides, the Supreme Court Justices are all relatively young and/or healthy.


  75. Diverse views are good for the discussion….but help me here….how is beating the holly hell out of a woman and throwing her kid into the alligator swap to die as a meal somehow tied up with discrimination?

    Me thinks one leaped to far from a general proposition “The current system executes a disproportionate amount of minorities” (which may or may not be true) to a specific conclusion (that this particular instance is discrimination) not support by the known facts.


  76. It is Suzanne. And once we get a Clinton back in the White House, things will start making sense again.

    Restricting capital punishment is a good start.


  77. I say forget about leathal injection. Put me in with those who vote for letting him be gator bate.


  78. Would you like to pay for his food or a road engineer’s training? Would you like to pay for his roof or a teacher salary? Would you like to provide medical care for him or to the honest family trying to obey the law? Would you clothe him or pay a cop to try to keep his ilk out of your home?

    He’s nothing. Not a man. Heck, not even an animal as I have dogs better behaved than him!

    Do you want him in your neighborhood watching your kids at the bus stop? If not just where do you want him? Oh yes, in a $1,000,0000,000000000 (not really, but it costs!) prison at how much a year? I say not a dime for dirt like him.

    I have said it for a while now; those who fight evil have done too good a job. Not enough people grasp going to bed afraid. Perhaps there’s pride in having these discussions as, because some have such views, others have successfully fought evil away from you. Few meet such evil and still hold such naive positions.



  80. this makes me very angry to read this. I mean I am glad people can aknowledge this but if this would not have happened then it would not be on here. I pray for this family. I hope they are happy in Heaven


  81. Tragic story but two wrongs never make a right.

  82. Two wrongs may not make a right, but two Wrights made an air plane.

    Surfer Dude

  83. Thanks for the opportunity to talk about this subject without sensorship.

  84. I'm tired of my taxes going to try and save these inherently violent people. It cost more money to house these people yearly than my wife and I make in a year. I have two beautiful children and would never intentionally harm them yet we house and feed these criminals, whose tendency is to harm our children. What a piece of S*&T!

  85. I do not believe in revenge. I think it leaves the revenger spiritually ill and reduces him to the level of the avenged. Therefore, I believe in a quick execution that would rid the world of a person who can never live in it again without the threat of harming someone else. He obviously is devoid of any sense of connection to his fellow man. He has proven himself to be a repeat criminal. Why house him until he dies a natural death? If we punish him by solitary confinement just so that we have some sort of revenge, we are as inhumane as he is.

    Do we kill him, or do we allow him to kill someone else (in prison)? Do we support a man who has no chance of leaving the prison except feet first? Or do we rid the world of a monster?

  86. Revenge? Any punishment is considered retribution. Killing him is cheaper, but does that make it right?


  87. Revenge? Any punishment is considered retribution. Killing him is cheaper, but does that make it right?


  88. His education, that of a paralegal, just shows he is not a stupid person. Seems to me it weighs against execution. Why incur the costs of appeal? Just let him rot. Besides, a good mind is a terrible thing to waste (commercial from the Reagen administration.)

  89. No, Kathryn, he is just plain evil.

  90. Sounds like some of you are like cannibals, skinning and throwing him to the gators. Actually, no need to skin him before he is tossed to the gators...

  91. Ok fine. Let's be civilized. Lets cook him first and then feed him to the gators.

  92. Why can't punishments fit the crime?

  93. If punishment fit the crime, Braddy's skull would be crushed and we would let alligators bite off his left arm.

    We would then let him bleed to death letting insects, rats and rot further deteriorate his body.

    Then we would present Braddy's carcass to his family so that they might give him a burial.

  94. J.J. I just got the "Braddy Bunch" joke.

    Does not change my mind, Rev. He ought to pay for the crime with his life.

    This guy is known as the "Miami Strangler." He is an evil dude.

  95. It was not a joke. I was just trying to personalize this man. If you could picture him as a middle class Caucasian from a nice family like the Brady Bunch, then maybe you could find it in your heart to realize that the man deserves another chance.


  96. 1st, I did not know this man (if you can call him that!) is black…until people started making a point about it. Skin color means noting to me and it should to all. Remember, racism works both ways! If he was white I would still say, “burn ‘em”.

    I’ve asked before and not received a response, what’s race got to do with beating the hell out of a lady and throwing her kid to the gators? I don’t get that.

    What I do get is there are segments of American society (race, culture, etc. notwithstanding) that seem to encourage and/or tolerate anti-social behavior, hedonism, violence, lawlessness, multiple children out of wedlock, excessive disdain for education, drug use, disrespect for authority, disdain for others,…etc. And then scream “racism” when particular individuals are subjected to legal action for particular actions.

    There’s no racism here. A bipedal mammal (the best title that this thing deserves) committed heinous acts. All should join in excluding him and not defending him based upon:
    1. He’s a male…trying to take any action against him is sexism;
    2. He’s black…trying to take any action against him is racism;
    3. He’s Buddhist…trying to take any action against him is religious intolerance;
    4. He’s tall…trying to take any action against him is discrimination;
    5. He’s fat, he’s thin, he’s rich, he’s poor, he’s………

    If more of us begin to look more at what is done rather than who does it, we’ll all be better off.

    I do respect those who defend him (I sure don’t agree and me thinks you need to live a little more and a little longer) but please, if you’re going to defend him, do it on something that has a bit more merit than “he’s a black man, it's racism”. Give me a break!

    BTW, the thought of that little innocent black girl being manhandled and thrown to her certain and known horrible death by him makes the warrior in me open an eager eye. Many of those who wish to handle him softly do so as they are afraid to confront evil themselves and would witness this occurring and their 1st instinct would be to run and/or call somebody else. I would be more than happy and capable to personally confront this piece of human feces in the dark swamp that fateful night!


  97. L.S.

    Problem is, unless you know a criminal is white, the majority of whites assume he is black. I used the "Braddy" bunch analogy to create an image of a white suspect and the impact on his middle class family (the Brady Bunch.)As a man of the cloth, you realize the importance of using imagery to penetrate the prejudice that most folks don't realize exists in their own perceptions.

    For over 100 years, African Americans have been discriminated against. Statistics show that an African American convict is more likely to get the death penalty than a Caucasian. That my fellow citizen, is an outrage.

    Braddy committed the crime 9 years ago. He has already shown much reform. He has educated himself as a paralegal. He has learned the law to help other inmates.

    He has not caused any trouble in the prison population. Why not give him life with a chance of parole if he continues to demonstrate reform.

    This country put up a statute of Liberty that welcomes the poor the convicts. It was not intended to welcome them here just to execute them. This is the land of the free. Give Braddy something to work for.. freedom.

    After 10 years of demonstrated reform, let a nondiscriminatory parole board review when he has earned another chance in society.

    The Lord is Our Shepard and He shall set Our Captors Free.


  98. I agree that all else being equal, black/white should not matter.

    And I agree there has been issues in disparity in executions…that’s a bad thing. But I’d respond by saying it’s not that the undeserving have been put to death…they needed to die….it’s that the undeserving have been allowed to live!

    And I also agree that a non-discriminatory board should keep him locked up…not let him go because he’s black.

    Maybe I’m just misreading it, but it seems that somebody has “racism” colored glasses on and is suffering form the same malady they wish others did not have…a tendency to judge others by their skin.

    I do not…I judge all equally by their actions…not their sex, age, skin color, etc.

    If you want to let murders go…fine (well, not fine)….but let them all go, black, white, tall, thin, fat, etc.

    But my position is that, as a human being, subject to man’s law, there are things that you can do which are above tolerance….he did such an act. I agree that to forgive is divine…but I’m not God…I’ll leave it to God to offer forgiveness to him. I will not.

    As for me, I don’t want him in my neighborhood, City, County, State, or planet!

    Nothing personal….nothing “racism”…just business…he’s a rabid dog running the neighborhood killing kids…Got to go! Bye, Bye.

    Range me and give me a wind reading.


  99. L.S., brother, I believe that you believe that race is not a factor. But I tell you, some of us live it every day.

    Has Braddy demonstrated he can be returned to society? No not yet. With the help of the Lord, can he be a decent citizen. Yes. All is possible with the Lord.

    If Braddy is willing to be saved in the Lord's eyes, a judge can save him now. In the future, an impartial parole board can continually review him until he is ready to be returned to society.

    You sound like a soldier when your refer to range and wind reading. Why I too am a soldier. I am a soldier of the lord and I am a soldier in the reform of capital punishment. Two wrongs never make a right. Leaves change, so can people. Braddy is a person, not a devil.


  100. J.J.

    I appreciate your perspective and motivation. I just don’t agree. Sorry.

    I agree that race is a factor in many people’s minds…just not mine. And I wish it was not in the minds of all. But you’re right in that many do suffer form the disease of racism. And it still permeates our society. But we must confront it wherever it exists. Call it what it is when you see it. Call it out. Put it in the limelight and let truth destroy it. But I don’t see it here. Not this time. Looking hard….nope….not here.

    What is happening to this “thing” is of his own doing. And I’m sorry, but the thought of that little frightened black girl, knowing she was gong to be eaten, being thrown into a swamp is not worthy of forgiveness. If he changes or not….not a factor in my mind.

    Let him be changed/saved in God’s eye… fine; just not mine. He can prepare his soul, as we all should, to meet his maker by changing who he is. But he has forfeited his life on earth by how he has treated his fellow man. Nothing can change what he has done. What he has done, in my mind is the issue, not who he is or may be. Let him prepare to stand before God…he, by his heinous actions, has lost his place among mortal men.

    And no, I’m not a solder…I’m a cop. I see these “things” everyday….killing, raping, stealing, and hurting. I see the crying mothers whose children will not come home. I see the frighten children who have lost their innocence at the hands of these monsters. No, I have no sympathy for those who decide to destroy the lives of others and of themselves. None whatsoever. None. They made their bed. Let them sleep in it.

    And my hobby is long range, high power rifle shooting. Just offering my services to society if they decide this guy has to go (just kidding, but its how I look at the matter).

    I’d pull the switch or give my life fighting for that little girl that night. Somebody has to fight for her…she tried that night, I know it….who wouldn’t? But she’s small and weak, scared and alone in the dark with that “thing”… and he took her life. Where’s the outcry for her? Where’s her justice?

    I agree two wrongs don’t make a right. But killing him is not wrong. It’s right.

    Nothing personal…just business. I’d rather our society spend its limited resources on those who wish to contribute…not take and destroy. Or done such acts as to forfeit the right to breathe the air of this planet.

    The “thing” is a monster! IMHO


  101. L.S.

    I have the utmost respect for police officers. Without you, the system can not work. Thank you.

    Your perception of Braddy as a monster is not your fault. The image of this little girl is so prejudicial, the man could not get a fair trial. The evidence was that the girl was alive when she went into the alligator pit. There were no witnesses or any evidence that Braddy through her in the pit. Braddy was not even allowed to testify by his lawyers because of his prior attempted murder charge.

    Kidnapping was wrong. But he did not kill the mom. If he wanted to, we both know he could have. And there is no evidence that Braddy killed the girl. His silence was taken as guilt despite a jury instruction to the contrary.

    Over the last nine years, Braddy has changed. He would unlikely commit a kidnapping again. It is God's job to judge, not yours, mine or anyone else here on earth.

    If Braddy truely repents, their is no reason to prematurely take his soul from this earth.

    As an officer have you killed? If so I bet you had a reason. There are many reasons people make mistakes. But to learn from the mistakes is God's gift to this earth. Let Braddy learn from his mistakes and someday become a productive member of society.

    By the way, L.S. you seem like a smart, well read person.Do you ever comment on any of the other stories on legal pub?


  102. J.J.

    We’re just going to have to agree to disagree. I just don’t see it that way.

    He has done things that are, in my mind, so reprehensible as to forfeit his physical being on this planet. I’m not saying he can’t change…heck, I’ll even agree that he has. But that has nothing to do with my position on the matter. What/who he is now does not change my position regarding what he has done. Remember, I judge people for what they do…not who they are. He has done wrong. Real wrong. Period.

    And I agree that my view of him is not my fault…I’ll base how I view him, as I do with all people, on how he acts. He has a history of beating/killing other people. He beats the hell out of a lady and drags her and her kid into the swamp. Yeah, you’re right. It’s not my fault on how I view him…it’s his!

    Play rugby on fresh cut green grass in white clothes….you’re going to get grass stains on you. Run around outside in the rain….you’re going to get wet. Try and take the food from a big, growling stray dog….you just might get bit. Have a history of violence towards other people, beat the hell out of a lady and drag her and her kid into a swamp…probably going to have people think you’re an animal.

    I’m not judging him….I’m just allowing him to “have the grass stains he wants”. And don’t tell me he does not want to be viewed and treated in this manner. I’ve met people who have told me “I don’t want the grass stains”. We’ll, you should’ve thought of that before you played in the grass. I don’t buy it.

    He went out, played in the grass in his white clothes and he doesn’t want grass stains? BS! He just figured he would not get caught, or he could clean them off, or throw away the clothes, did not care, etc…But the law presumes we intend the foreseeable consequence of our actions. He wanted the grass stains. Not my fault his clothes have green stains all over them. It’s his. He needs to grow up and accept responsibility for his actions. Others will hold you accountable for what you do; you must have ownership of what you do. Lord, we teach our kids that before kindergarten!

    That’s just the way it is. Actions have far-reaching and sometimes permanent consequences. I’m sorry that his parents did not teach him that or he failed to learn it. But again, that’s not my fault either.

    As for him changing…good for him…I mean that. He can stand before God a changed man. But I still don’t want him around. In my view he has forfeited all right to be among mortal men. Let him save his soul for God’s judgment. If I had my way…and I don’t as it’s up to the law which I’ve sworn to uphold…his body would be subjected to man’s judgment.

    And as for the other blogs….I have no time. Finishing up my doctoral from FAMU is taking much of my time. This was just a point of discussion that interested me. And having you in it was good. We don’t have to agree. That, in my opinion, is one of the most wonderful things about the blessed US of A!

    You sound like the kid of guy who a cup of coffee or a cold beer and discussion would be enlightening.

    Keep doing what you’re doing…you sound like a man who is here to serve the needs of others rather than himself…kind of like me. And IMHO, we’re the best kinds of people!

    Just my two cents.


  103. L.S. You get the post of the month. I mean it. Excellent analysisis. Rev J.J. and you have had an enlightening quality discussion. Legal Pub was designed for exactly such interchange. Please feel welcome to comment on any of our stories. There is usually a new one posted each day.

  104. L.S.

    I have to agree with legal pub. Your post was very good. You illustrated your points with imagery so that I can understand where you are coming from.

    The grass stained image on white pants is forever etched in my mind. As a child I made that mistake and my momma punished me as a consequence. Fortunately, the Lord is the best stain remover ever. Only he can bleach the pants white again. I do believe Braddy's soul is worth saving.

    In the ministry you see more victims then criminals. You try to comfort and heal those that have been hurt. But when you see a "criminal" that finally sees the errors of his ways and truly repents, it is the greatest example of gods love.

    Braddy has apparently changed. Is he ready to return to society? NO. Would he be able to some day. Apparently yes. The sentencing hearing may provide some surprise testimony. We shall see.

    So, when you get your PHD will you be teaching Philosophy? Law and Punishment could be a great course for you to teach. I would happy to come as a guest speaker.

    Rev J.J.

  105. Not a PHD, a JD…gonna be a lawyer. I’m sitting for the Florida Bar tomorrow and Wednesday. Pray for me!


  106. More nice guys:,2933,290542,00.html


  107. L.S. Good point about the nice guys. We have a story on the Petit murders. I would appreciate your thoughts on it. Good Luck with the Bar Exam

  108. Another vote for "feed em to the Gators."

  109. The man is not reformed, could not reform and does not deserve the chance to reform.

    He is the lowest of low. He is a beast. Calling him an animal is too nice. It is an insult to animals of all sizes, shapes and demeanor.

    Harrel deserves to burn in the fires of Satan.

  110. Last poster, don't hold back, tell us how you feel...

    I too vote for the death penalty.

    Jerry Y.

  111. DEath is too good for this scum

  112. You do not know him!!! None of you do! I read everyones comments and think to myself that this is sad. I know him and I know him well. It hurts to read these things when no one knows the truth. I am upset about it, but there is nothing I can do. To me he's the best and if you chose to feed him to the alligators then so be it, but I'm loving him all the way. And yes we are the Braddy Bunch and what?!

  113. That is exactly my point Ms. Loyal. Mr. Braddy has reformed. He is taking steps to better himself. He has studied law. If he devotes his attentions to Christian faith, I think he is capable of rehabilitation. Stick with your loyalty and God Bless you.


  114. Loyal to the End:

    How do you feel about the Braddy solution to Iraq reported on another story here on legal pub? Seems like a win win situation for convicts and for the military. Your thoughts?


  115. Faithful to the end is unlikely to respond...

    But I think the Braddy solution is the answer!


  116. Yah, I doubt Faithful is part of the Braddy Bunch... but he really has reformed some say...

  117. I heard Braddy wants parole so he can be the new mascot of the Florida Gators football team...

  118. This Harrel Franklin Braddy discussion is the best one on the net.

    Thanks for all the comments and the article.


  119. Death is too kind for Braddy!

  120. If death is too kind, does that mean you support life in prison for Braddy?

  121. New article on front page about the sentencing phase of the trial. Stay tuned.

  122. I liked your 8-28-07 article on Harrell Braddy sentencing trial.


  123. I love him anyway!!!!! :)

  124. Loyal to the End,

    Genuine love is a precious comodity. Even people who commit evil acts deserve to have someone like you in their corner. Best of luck in your own personal life.

  125. Loyalty can be so blind!

  126. The world will be a better place after he is put to rest for his crimes.

  127. People like Malinda and JJ are so naive. JJ's comments are an insult to human intelligence. For example, his comment that "Mr. Braddy has reformed. He is taking steps to better himself. He has studied law. If he devotes his attentions to Christian faith, I think he is capable of rehabilitation."

    So, that's all it takes. Learn law. Say the "right" things. Claim that you've found God. That's probably what Braddy did the first time they let him out of jail as rehabilitated.

    It is important to be compassionate. But, being compassionate does not mean that we have to be STUPID. Evil exists. Maybe the devil is just a human creation, but EVIL, perhaps only as an energy, EXISTS. Evil people will say all the "right" things, they will play you for the fool you are and then when you let them get the chance they will destroy the innocent ones that we should be protecting.

    Don't kid yourself. Evil people are often intelligent. They despise your stupidity. Evil people are often charismatic. They despise your gullibility. Evil people will say whatever you want to hear, with no regard for whether it's true or not. Evil people can be very convincing to those who want to be convinced. They can push every button in your psyche. They know how important it is for you to regard yourself as a solidier for God.

    Get real JJ. Stop being so egoistical Take a good look at yourself. Do you seriously think that God would want you to let a predator like Braddy get loose to prey on our innocent children?Whose side are you really on?

    As for your depiction of the Braddy bunch, are you seriously trying to insinuate that if this guy were white, it would make the crime more acceptable? How ridiculous!

    Regarding Malinda's comment that the death might not have been intentional: I live in South Florida. He should not have taken that child to Alligator Alley under any circumstances.

    Braddy is broken. It is extremely doubtful that he can be fixed. I personally don't relish the thought of the death penalty. I would just as soon leave him in jail. The problem is that when you leave them in jail, idiots let them out for "good behavior" because they are "rehabilitated" in the "Christian faith." This is what would sway me toward voting to put him to death, so that people like JJ and Malinda can't be given a chance to unleash this predator again.

    Once again, being compassionate does not mean that we have to be STUPID. We have a duty to protect the innocent, not to indulge the evil.

  128. If God would exists, why he/she didn't impede this crime, or why don't impede this man become such a monster?.

    The only true is that Gods and Evuls are just human inventions, fueled for our infinite ignorance.


  129. If God would exists, why he/she didn't impede this crime, or why don't impede this man become such a monster?.

    The only true is that Gods and Evuls are just human inventions, fueled for our infinite ignorance.

    For Hillary P. I will send him to your house to take care of your children, I think you will receive him with open arms....or not?.


  130. God exists. He is alive and well. Evil also exists. It is a constant struggle. For evil to win, good people need to do nothing. I, as a man of the cloth, believe that God's power to heal extends to all, including Harrel Franklin Braddy. He is a man, not a beast. He is capable of reform. He may not ever live outside prison walls, but he has a right to live and a right to try to continue to reform.

    Yes, I do believe that color of a man's skin affects his sentense. Look at the statistics.


  131. Do not call this idiot a animal, when you do you are insulting all living creatures. this scumbag must be a product of the devil. Animals do not purposely hurt other living things. If they do it is because they know no better. This loser needs to be dropped in the middle of the California Fires with no escape, let him sit there and see what it feels like to be scared before his death!

  132. Clarissa, Harrel Franklin Braddy is a man. He is not the devil. He is not even an animal. He is a man who has made mistakes. He is trying to repent for those mistakes. He is sentenced to die. He is not the same criminal he was when he committed these crimes.

    Leaves change, so can people. Have mercy on him and let him live or at least let him live in peace.May God bless you and your family.


  133. Update 10-24 07 : To no one's surprise, Harrell Franklin Braddy, who was convicted of murder for leaving a 5-year-old girl to be eaten alive by alligators in the Everglades, was sentenced to death last week by Judge Leonard Glick. Potential appeals will be exhausted before any exectution is carried out.

  134. Yes. Send him to an alligator pit!

  135. let him die the sooner the better!!

  136. getting very near the end...

  137. Death will bring closure...

  138. not for Braddy's victims...

  139. The sickness of this man never cease to amaze me.
