Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wife Inspires 72 Year Old Marine to Ward Off Pickpocketer

Here is a great feel good story out of Grand Rapids Michigan.
Bill Barnes was scratching off a lottery ticket inside a gas station when he felt a hand slip into his front-left pants pocket. (Since there were no women around and since he had $300 in cash in his pocket, he immediately reacted. Barnes grabbed the person's wrist with his left hand and started punching with his right. Barnes landed perhaps six or seven blows before a store manager joined in the retribution.

Bill Barnes, age 72, is a tough ex Marines with Golden Gloves boxing experience. The retired iron worker is also happily married to Patricia. He would not want to return home without the three hundred dollars. "I wouldn't want my wife to give me hell for lettin' that guy get my money." Barnes explained.

Jesse Daniel Rae, 27, is accused of trying to pick Barnes' pocket. He was arraigned Monday in Rockford District Court on one count of unarmed robbery, a 15-year felony. (Remember all suspects are presumed innocent until found guilty.)

Kent County sheriff's deputies report that the store manager quickly intervened and slammed Rae to the ground and detained him.

Barnes is a retired iron worker, who now works part-time as a starter at a golf course.


  1. This is great. Now I no longer fear aging quite so much.

  2. California Surfer dude said...

    He is a real like Rocky. Go Dude Go!

    Surfer Dude

  3. Good to hear the bad guys take it on the chin

  4. This guy is the man. He is now Legal Pub hero for the Month of June. (Drew Brees was the hero for May and the 5th grade teacher J. F. the hero for April.)

  5. A real life crime stopper!

  6. Bill is an inspiration. At a boy Bill!

  7. Don't mess with a military man... of any age. We are tested and we are true.


  8. Great 4th of July story. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.

  9. Bill Barnes, here it is after the Fourth of July and still you are one of the country's biggest heroes. I hope you use your 15 minutes of fame to be a good role model for all.

  10. Maybe Bill Barnes will inspire more 70 somethings to be more active. May have worked with Senator D'Amato who is having a baby at age 70!

  11. Bill Barnes is not just the hero of the senior citizen crowd, he is everyone's hero!

