Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Product Liability Lawsuit Concerning Perpetual Erection

Sorry, but no photos of this! The A.P. is reporting that in New York, Christopher Woods has sued the maker of the health drink Boost Plus. Woods claims that the vitamin-enriched beverage gave him an erection that would not subside. This allegedly caused him to be hospitalized.The nutritional beverage is made by Novartis AG. Woods bought it at a drugstore and drank it on June 5, 2004. Court papers say he woke up the next morning "with an erection that would not subside." He sought treatment that day for severe priapism. Woods, 29, underwent surgery for implantation of a Winter shunt (moves blood from one area to another.) Woods later developed problems that allegedly required penile artery embolization. (Closing blood flow prevents engorgement and lessens the likelihood of an erection.) Novartis' Boost Plus Web site states it is "a great tasting, high calorie, nutritionally complete oral supplement for people who require extra energy and protein in a limited volume," While I personally drink all of the flavors (vanilla, chocolate and strawberry) it has never really excited this author.


  1. The man who brought this lawsuit is a big prick.


  2. Blond Bombshell said...

    Mmm... I can not imagine a man thinking this is a bad problem.


  3. It is a serious medical condition, Shell. Don't underestimate the size of the problem.

    Doc Long

  4. How could they prove the erection was caused by Boost and not by looking at photos of Blond Bombshell?

  5. Actually Blond Bombshell,
    I hear this is a h-u-g-e problem for some men - although I've never personally met one . . . and if I did, I probably wouldn't tell for a few days at least . . .

  6. Blonde Bombshell said...

    Ms. C., I like the way you think!

    I was just thinking myself, how long do you think it was before his wife/girl friend suggested that maybe he should go see a doctor?


  7. It's hard to get a rise out of you folks.


  8. A little levity or a big one in this case, should brighten everyone's day.

  9. Peter, you are too funny. Is that your real name?

    Do you drink Boost Plus? I do, but never have had any problems... or real benefits, depending on how you look at it.
