Sunday, June 24, 2007

History Always Repeats Itself: Jessie Jackson Arrested

In Chicago, Rev. Jesse Jackson once again proved that history repeats itself. Jackson was arrested Saturday at a demonstration outside a suburban gun shop. Jackson was charged with criminal trespass to property. Jackson refused to move away from Chuck's Gun Shop in Riverdale, thus prompting his arrest. While Jackson had a right to protest with other activists, it is incumbent upon him to do so within the law. Jackson's demonstration follows a 16-year-old honor student being gunned down on a city bus. The shooting was believed to be gang-related although the student was not the intended target. Two teens have been charged as adults in the death. Jackson has used protests to call for stricter gun laws. A Catholic priest. Michael Pfleger, was also arrested.


  1. Perhaps a good cause. But Jackson like many protesters tends to take it too far.

  2. Jessie often has good ideas but poor execution.

  3. Jessie has always had a problem with knowing where the line it located and not crossing it.

  4. Jessie needs to follow the law.


  5. Where was Jesse when the Duke Lacrosse boys were exonerated? Will he still pay for the "exotic dancer's" college education?

    Jesse always has been and always will be a race baiter and blackmailer. . .

    in my humble opinion.

  6. Where was Jesse when the Duke Lacrosse boys were exonerated? Will he still pay for the "exotic dancer's" college education?

    Jesse always has been and always will be a race baiter and blackmailer. . .

    in my humble opinion.

  7. Come on Jessie. Pushing it to the point of arrest is not very statesmen like...

  8. Jackson has a history of trying to intimidate people engaged in lawful activities and then extort money from them. Sometime I hope a prosecutor will have some guts and get this fraud put away. Every day he is in jail is a day he can't intimidate and extort.
