Thursday, June 21, 2007

Comedians Get Into the Legal Act or Are they All Wet?

Wes Craven v. Pauly Shore
Wes Cravens has filed suit against his neighbor Pauly Shore. Cravens claims water seeps down a slope and damages his home.

Craven alleges that a landslide occurred in December after Shore installed a pool, spa, landscaping and other improvements. Cravens, director of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Scream" claims that water damage has created his own nightmare. Shore's publicist did not comment; however its anticipated that they will say Cravens is all wet. The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages. (Now, if Pauly had simply included him on the guest list for the pool party, would this have ever happened?)

Update: I wonder if Pauly Shore sued this person who assaulted him?


  1. What a bunch of jokers!


  2. Actually, I suspect the lawsuit is very serious. The problem becomes one of land/water rights. In many states, a landowner has a right to landscape in such a fashion as to protect his own property from water. On the other hand, one can not negligently or intentionally damage an adjacent land owner's property.

    Stay tuned.

  3. How long before one of them turns this into a movie or a comedy sketch?

  4. I heard an overweight Drew Carey jumped into the pool causing water to splash out of the pool and run down the slope. How soon until Drew is added as a "nonparty" defendant?

  5. In December of 2006, I believe Pauly Shore got punched during an act in Odessa, Texas. The language is pretty harsh. But I think he was making fun of a heckler and it got out of hand.

  6. Too bad they can't work it out amongst themselves . . . but then this helps you attorneys out there, huh?

  7. Attorneys are the gunslingers of the 21st century.

    By the way, that dude that punched Pauly Shore really rocked him!

  8. Pauly Shore got jacked up in that video. I followed the link and was shocked. That was one big cowboy he was messing with. The crowd egged him on.

  9. Win or lose, I agree. There is a movie in this one.

  10. Cravens may not be all wet, but he is a little damp.


  11. Anger Management Part Two?

  12. Now, I take this kind of case seriously. My neighbor planted bushes over my lot line and I asked him to take them out. When he did not, I let my dog pea on them until they died.

    No lawyers, no lawsuit. No money spent. Mission accomplished...

  13. Now that there, that's funny.

    Get r dun, boys.

