Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bush Tax Cuts Still Not Enough For Some

Ed Brown calls federal agents surrounding his home "guns for hire." Brown, a New Hampshire man, has been convicted of tax evasion. Brown and his wife say they will fight U.S. marshals to the death before they will pay taxes.
The delusional Brown stated, "We either walk out of here free or we die." Brown and his wife, Elaine, were sentenced in April to 63 months in prison for failing to pay $1 million in tax. Brown's supporters include Randy Weaver who led the 1992 standoff with ATF agents at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. Let's all hope for a better outcome for all involved than Ruby Ridge.


  1. This is nuts. It is not 1776 any more.

  2. Gees, and Hillary wants to raise our taxes. How many of these nuts will we have then?

  3. Paying all these taxes IS obviously quite wrong, especially when its technically our right NOT to have to pay taxes in the first place. We already get taxed on pretty much everything possible under the sun, yet we're supposed to also pay these major taxes on the little bit of money we make too? Why, so that these greedy capitalist's can get richer? they are sure as hell not paying off any debts with it, thats for sure. And I'm sure this is not what our founding fathers ever had in mind when they established the constitution, and would probably be in shock if they saw the sick, greedy, capitalist situation us poor Americans are forced to live under today... so, GO BROWNS!! thank you, for what you are doing, standing up to these greedy pigs that have somehow been given some "power", or whatever. I say spread some wealth and health around, instead of sitting on your piles of money and watching the TRUE Americans lives getting harder everyday...

  4. Paying all these taxes IS obviously quite wrong, especially when its technically our right NOT to have to pay taxes in the first place.

  5. I don't mind paying my fair share of taxes. I just think there needs to be balanced. To the anti tax posters, thanks for sharing. I think there may be a compromise position. But I do see your point.


  6. What will the Browns accomplish. I respect everyone right to there day in court. The Browns did not appear in their own defense. If taxation is unconstitutional, why not challenge it in the courts? I am interested in learning their rational for not attending their own trial.

  7. Taxation without representation was the cry in 1776. But now we taxpayers have representation. If we don't like our representatives, let's vote them out of office.

    William T.

  8. I agree with the Pubmeister. Why did the Brown's not appear in court? The court system still works. A trial by jury with or without an appeal may change the existing law. This is not meant to be critical of the Brown's actions but is a genuine inquiry as to the reason behind their thinking.

  9. Every one has a right to speak. But when you get a chance to speak in court, do so. If you believe what you say in the press, then speak it in court. Otherwise, your message is one outside of the system and thus has little chance of truly facilitating justice.

  10. Death might be taking it a little too far, Ms. C

