Sunday, June 10, 2007

Athletes and Stars Can Be Good Role Models

Because it's not dirty laundry, it is unlikely to make a lot of news. Another famous person goes to jail but unlike other fallen heroes, it is not as an inmate.
The AP has reported that New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees made a surprise visit to Beaver, Utah. Brees visited inmates at the Beaver County correctional facility on Friday. "I was pretty blown away by the idea that somebody like him would come to a small town like Beaver, Utah," Sgt. Curt Heslington of the Beaver County sheriff's department said. Drew Brees spoke to 124 inmates in the Beaver County residential treatment program. He encouraged inmates by sharing his own trials and tribulations. "What Drew Brees did for us was incredible... It was highly motivating, not only for our residents but for me and for the staff," said Henslington. Brees signed autographs and posed for pictures after his speeches, then left town quietly like a gentleman. See Virginia, there is a Santa Clause.


  1. Thanks. Nice to know there are still some good people out there..


  2. Wow - what a day brightener THAT story is!! How refreshing to see an athlete give his time and energy to reach out, provide hope and inspiration - all without the cameras going.

    God bless him!

  3. I loved Brees when he was at Purdue


  4. Nice to see there are still heroes. I will be pulling for you Drew.

  5. When an athlete goes to jail for a good reason... Drew, we will all be pulling for you, except when you are back in Indiana playing against the Colts.

  6. Drew Brees is a quality guy.

    Jon David Mills

  7. Purdue shapes quality young men...

    and real scared sheep.

    IU Grad

  8. Makes me feel better about the NFL knowing there are Drew Brees to offset the antics of Michael Vick.

  9. In the ideal world, more people are like Drew Brees.
