Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hole in the Head

Talk about tying one on.... The A.P. is reporting out of HUNTINGTON, W.Va. that Michael Lusher , 37, was shot with a small-caliber bullet in the head as he slept Sunday morning. He didn't realize it until he awoke nearly four hours later and noticed blood coming from his head. The bullet that struck him was one of five that were shot into his mobile home and truck. Lusher came home from a night on the town about an hour before he was shot. It must have been one big hangover. He remained hospitalized at St. Mary's Medical Center on Monday.


  1. Legal Pub, where the beautiful folks hang out.

    I have never been that drunk... you would think the gunshots would have woke him up.


  2. Iron Mike said...

    Shell, your picture came out rather flattering... You trying to make the top 10 list?

    Iron Mike

  3. Wow, I have been drunk before, but not that drunk. Dude that must be one major headache.


  4. Ah yes, West Virginia - population of 1,808,470 and only 1,000 last names . . .

  5. Calabaza you old lady, you are living in the past. Just because you are over 100 years old and living in Virginia doesn't give you the right to cut down your neighbors from West Virginia. Go Mountaineers!

    B. Huggins

  6. Ms. Calabaza is cutting edge! To say she has it going is an understatement. Ms. C. comments about W. Virginia are based upon wisdom that only comes with experience.

    As for the state of intoxication, Iron Mike correctly points out that who is serving you may effect your mental state. Did he drink the servers beautiful or were they already beautiful? In Shell's case we know before hand. But for this poor dude?

  7. If Shell had been his bartender, I doubt this poor guy would have been hung over. Instead, I bet he would have been at full attention.

    Private Joe

  8. "Hole in the head" was not what I was thinking about when the photo attracted me to the article.


  9. Got to wonder whether alcohol played a role in this attempted crime:

    KITTANNING, Pa. (May 23) - A woman who tried to steal a fetus by knocking her pregnant neighbor unconscious with a baseball bat and cutting her abdomen was sentenced Tuesday to 22 to 50 years in prison.

    Peggy Jo Conner, who could have been sentenced to up to 80 years, apologized in court for attacking Valerie Oskin.

    Jon Mills

  10. Jon, that crime is just plain sick!


  11. I once went to a JFK party, you had to take 2 shots to the head as soon as you walked in the door.

  12. New definition of head rush.


  13. A mysterious shot to the head may be easier to explain then the 65 years old golfer from Fallbrook Ca. The A.P. has reported that a golfer died Tuesday after his golf cart fell 75 feet off a cliff. It crashed onto a road below the Pala Mesa Resort in northern San Diego County. The cart went off the a 25-foot embankment and over the edge of a cliff.

    The recently retired real estate agent from was ejected shortly before the cart hit the road beneath the cliff. He died on impact.

  14. Blond Bombshell said...

    Men, no game is worth dieing over. First thing I bet the investigators do is check his score card. If he was shooting poorly, the experts will chalk it up to another fruit cake taking a game too seriously.


  15. Folks, this West Virginia man has been out done by a woman in China.
    A Chinese woman suffering from a headache discovered that a bullet had been lodged in her head for 64 years. A rusty bullet was removed from her head at a Chineese Hospital. An X-ray revealed the bullet in Jin Guangying, age 77, head at a Shuyang, China, hospital.

    Jin lived in Xuzhou, China, during World War II. One afternoon in September 1943, Jin's mother asked her to take food to her father, who was fighting the invading Japanese.

    A Japanese bullet passed through part of her right ear. She fell and lost consciousness.

    Her mother applied herbal medicines to the wound and she recovered.

    Must have been some home remedy to have survived this many years without major problems.

  16. And everytime I stop and want to say my boyfriend has a hole in his head, I think about these folks who actully do...

