Saturday, May 5, 2007

Beauty and the Court

Now that we have explored the flaws of at least one court (the cleaners hating judge from D.C.) it is time to turn back to beauty. Once again Paris Hilton honors our presence by making news. She looks great in a suit and quite frankly has more in court time than 90% of the L.A. Bar Association.

Court documents reveal that Paris Hilton was sentenced to 45 Days in Jail. The beautiful heiress is to report to jail on June 5. Interestingly enough, Paris has worked as a farmer and maid on her TV show "The Simple Life." Now her latest role will be working on the penal farm. I just can't help but think she is a natural for Boston Legal.

Hilton has become infamous for her name and relentless partying. Ironically, she was sentenced Friday to 45 days in county jail for violating probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case. As an inmate, she may have to get adjusted to staying in a cell smaller than her closet.

Paris is quoted in court transcripts as saying "I'm very sorry and from now on I'm going to pay complete attention to everything. I'm sorry and I did not do it on purpose at all."For those interested in hookin up with Paris, Hilton report to a women's jail in suburban Lynwood by June 5. The judge did not allow any work release, furloughs, use of an alternative jail or electronic monitoring in lieu of jail.
Legal Publication gives a special welcome to a well known comedian and author. Ian, feel free to introduce yourself and tell the folks about your recent book. Neil Strauss use to talk about Courtney Love and Paris Hilton. I would not be surprised if you don't have a story or two. Feel free to share anything that is not confidential. Again Welcome.


  1. Iron Mike said:

    I am not Ian, but I can't resist commenting on Paris Hilton. I think she ought to skip Boston Legal, go straight to law school and then hang up her own shingle. I would be her first paying client because I would just love her handling my briefs. I would also crack up every time she mentioned how she would handle some subpoena.

    Iron Mike

  2. Iron Mike,

    I must agree with you, and I think this latest PR might help her career once again. Good story, Legal Pub! And the photo is posted, too.......

    I hope some attorneys post some comments on legal strategies to get her off, that would be interesting to read. Good reading, that legal mumbo jumbo.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Blonde Bombshell said:

    Sorry posted from wrong computer legal pub.

    Now as for Mike and Ron, the comment still goes. I am impressed with your ability to make a pun. Perhaps you can progress to a full joke.


  5. I am impressed with her ability to deflect negative publicity. Nothing sticks. She reminds me of the tefalon president, Ronald Reagen. Perhaps the Democrats should put her up to run instead of Hillary.

    Jon David Mills

  6. I am impressed with her assets, myself.


  7. Ms. Calabaza has a photo of her a week before trial smoking what appears to be a hand rolled cigarette... Great find Ms. C.

  8. I would rather see a photo of her in a bathing suite!


  9. Does the punishment fit the crime? yes, it is the law... if you get a DUI you get 3 months in jail (at least in my county) so she is getting a light sentence. I think you men should be more hard on her. She is a criminal.

    Mary P.

  10. Iron Mike said:

    Geesh Mary, did you really mean the words you typed? I think men are just as "tough" on DWI as women. And believe me when it comes to criminals who look like Paris Hilton, I am plenty "hard on crime."

    Iron Mike

  11. that sucks for paris! HAVE FUN =)
