Thursday, April 5, 2007

Stars Just Can't Stay Out of Legal News

Ms. Hilton was in an MTV comedy sketch about getting pulled over for a DUI. (T.V. imitates real life.) However, last week her lawyers threatened to sue if MTV shows it in tomorrow's episode of "ShortCircuitz."
In the sketch, the action shifts from salesgirl Paris to "real-life" situations where people look to their bracelets for advice. A blonde in a short skirt is busted for drunken driving. After checking her Hilton bracelet, she grinds on an officer who replies: "I can't arrest you, you're too fabulous." Hilton had previously agreed to poke fun at herself and appear in the sketch which was filmed on Jan. 4.
This may be used as ammunition for the Anti DWI crowd or as just another example of famous folks whose word can not be trusted.


  1. Legal Pub:

    What's the point of posting this? There are much better stories out there, and merely having Hilton on your blog won't drive more traffic to your site, at least not with this outfit.

    Dan the Man

  2. Dan, your west coast bias is starting to show. Paris is once again in the legal news. Theory breach of contract. Contracts to do a show, they shoot the sketch and now she renegs due to "bad publicity."

    The West coast needs to stop pampering these stars. If it were all about hits, legal pub would not have rejected Google and Yahoo attempts to pay for ads on this site!

  3. But wow, what a looker!

    Iron Mike

  4. This event is no joke...this surreal nightmare can happen to anyone! Please explore and comment!!

  5. Nice post Mr. Legalpub!

    Hilton is quite a franchise, and a good legal client as well.

  6. Ron, you and I finally agree on something. Paris is hotter than a fire cracker.

    Iron Mike

  7. OK, she looks Ok in that photo, but let's move on to something else!

  8. Paris Hilton is both beautiful and wealthy. She has every right to protect and promote her marketablility. It is no different than any other publicly traded company with perhaps the exception that not everyone has been in a fortune 500 company.

  9. Don Imus Benched Two Weeks for Comments
    Shock Jock Says Suspension Is 'Appropriate'
    NEW YORK (April 10) - Radio host Don Imus, suspended for two weeks for calling the Rutgers female basketball players "nappy-headed hos," called the punishment appropriate Tuesday but stressed, "I am not a racist."

    "What I did was make a stupid, idiotic mistake in a comedy context," Imus said on his show Tuesday morning, the final week before his suspension starts.

    As legal pub said, the guy is a dumb a**!

    J.D. Mills

  10. MSNBC Drops Don Imus Simulcast Amid Furor

    Network Severs Ties With Shock Jock, Effective Immediately
    NEW YORK (April 12) - Even as advertisers defected and politicians piled on, it was an internal mutiny within NBC News about Don Imus' racial slur that was key to pulling the plug on his MSNBC simulcast.

    About 30 angry NBC News employees, many of them black, met with news division president Steve Capus less than 24 hours before Capus decided that a two-week suspension of Imus' morning telecast wasn't enough.

  11. Athletes in Trouble:

    With the arrest of more than 50 NFL players since the start of the 2006 season, National Football League clubs (aka teams) are carefully examining a player's background and character as they prepare to select the best athletes in the upcoming NFL Draft.

    NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is, along with NFL management and Gene Upshaw, the NFLPA Executive Director, committed to improving the behavior of players who draw attention to the NFL through their misconduct. Influence on young fans as well as the integrity of the NFL justifies reducing such poor behavior to continue.

    Too much attention and publicity is being given to Adam "Pac-Man" Jones (Titans), Chris Henry (Bengals), "Tank" Johnson (Bears) and the untoward behavior of Terrell Owens (Cowboys).

    Bad characters draw the media's attention (as they say, "If it bleeds, it leads"), yet all the great philanthropic and charitable work done by so many teams and players to help others gets little, if no, attention.

    J.D. Mills

  12. Paris, good luck this week when you are released. The road back is hard, but you can improve yourself, if you dedicate yourself to being a better you.
