Friday, March 30, 2007

Handling of teachers who are accused of having sex with students has come into question. Two cases down south are drawing major attention. Both women are white. The boys -- six in all -- are black.

Some of the blacks who make up more than a quarter of Laurens County's 70,000 residents are upset over the release of the teachers on bail. They say the cases reflect the way crimes by whites against blacks in the segregated South were treated less seriously than other offenses, and blacks who leveled accusations against whites were less likely to be believed. "If this had been black teachers, they would not be out of jail right now," said Corinnie Young, a 49-year-old bookstore employee who is black.
Above is Wendie Schweikert, 37, a former Laurens County, S.C., teacher. She was arrested last year on charges that she had sex with an 11-year-old student. Allenna Ward, 24, also taught in the county. She faces charges of with having sex with at least five underage boys, some of whom were students at her school.
Mary Kay Letourneau, served a 7-year sentence for having sex with student Vili Fualaau when he was 12. They had two children and wed in 2005.
There are literally dozens of cases involving teachers having sex with students. Legal Pub asks when will they start testing teachers for pedophile tendencies?


  1. Hey Legal Pubmeister,

    At least while on the subject, give us some coverage of Debra Lafave, rather than these gals that look like Florida football linemen.

    Dirty Dan

  2. That has got to be a guy, yes?

  3. Debra Lafave, wow, she is hot! The gal on your blog, not!

  4. Bad Actor?

    Brian Bonsall, who played Andy Keaton in “Family Ties,” was arrested on charges of assaulting his girlfriend, police said.
    Bonsall, 25, was being held in the Boulder County jail Friday on charges of second-degree assault and false imprisonment. It was not immediately clear whether he had an attorney.

    Bonsall was arrested Wednesday after his girlfriend told police he poured an alcoholic drink on her face while she slept, put her in a choke hold and threw her onto a bed when she tried to leave.

    Bonsall told investigators he pushed the woman down in self-defense after she cut his arm and face with a steak knife, but she denied that, police said.

  5. Blonde Bombshell:

    The comments about Debra Lafave just further demonstrate then men are pigs. It's a crime moron, not a beauty contest!


  6. Good scoop Ron.
    I saw the story, but wondered how many folks would remember the actor who played Michael Fox little brother. Sounds like he needs to pick his women a little better. Maybe we can set him up with Shell.

  7. Iron Mike:

    Lone Woman on FBI's Wanted List Captured

    Shauntay L. Henderson is charged with killing a man outside a convenience store in September.

    Talk About It: Post ThoughtsKANSAS CITY, Mo. (April 1) - The lone woman on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted list was captured and charged with one count of second-degree murder, authorities said.

    Shauntay L. Henderson, 24, was arrested Saturday when she answered the door at an apartment, police said. Authorities had gone to the apartment in search of someone she knew, authorities said.

    Henderson, a reputed gang member, is charged with the September 2006 shooting death of DeAndre M. Parker, 20, who was killed as he sat in a pickup truck outside a convenience store. Court documents did not give a motive for the shooting.

    Don't tell me Shell final got caught!

    Iron Mike

  8. California Surf Dude:

    We still intro ourself first, right legally rightious dude? Anyway, it has been scientifically proven that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of Poo.

    However, we do not run that risk when drinking wine or other liquor because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.

    WATER = Poo

    Conclusion: It is better to drink wine and talk stupid than to drink
    water and be f ull of shit.

    There is no need to thank me for this valuable information; I am doing it as a public service.
    Surfer Dude

  9. This is not a race issue it's an issue of looks. If you're hot or not. If you're hot, then it's all forgiven, but if you commit the crime and you happen to be "not-so much-hot" - watch out.

    Legal Pub you ask when are we going to start testing for pedophelic tendencies . . . when we can find an accurate measurement. What constitutes pedophilia is still an issue among mental health professionals. Go figure.

  10. Well, Ms. Calabaza, you make a great point. Tests are not 100%. However, I believe the MMPI and the Rorchak test are still better than nothing. Right now, a blind eye is being turned toward teachers based upon an outdated stereotype that all teachers are good humanitarians.

    Dirty Dan just wants to dream about having had a teacher who looked like Debra Lafave (who by the way admittedly has movie star looks.)

    Surfer dude, I am not sure where your joke is coming from, but I do like it.

  11. Shell:

    If Legalpub would just post a photo of Lafave, you would understand the point I made earlier. Looks do count, especially in court!

    Dirty Dan

  12. Guilty as charged!

  13. Pamela Turner, 27, was a great looking babe of a teacher who taught physical education, and was married to a high school basketball coach. In 2005 she was charged with statutory rape because she had sex with a 13 year old boy.

    Prosecutor Dale Potter says, "Some people don't look at it as serious, but if you reverse the roles and make it a male on a female, then everyone gets really upset, and it's considered really serious."

    Turner apparently reached a decent plea a few months after her arrest.

  14. Several great looking teachers have been accused. For example in 2005 or 2006, A first-year Hebron High School teacher and former Miss Texas contestant was accused of haveing arelationship with an 18-year-old student. He told police he had sex with the 25-year-old woman several times at her apartment in Austin Ranch.

    Amy McElhenney taught Spanish and was a cross-country coach at the Lewisville ISD school in Carrollton. She was charged with having an improper relationship with a student, a second-degree felony.
    Ms. McElhenney's cellphone contained "intimate" text messages to and from the 18-year-old.

    "Messages that were on there led us to believe there was a little bit more going on between the teacher and this student," said Carrollton police Sgt. David Sponhour.

  15. Problems are not limited to the U.S. For example, in 2007, Toronto police charged Paola Queen, a 35-year-old teacher at Nelson A. Boylen Collegiate Institute, with one count of sexual exploitation.
    A Crime Stoppers tip alleged inappropriate relationship between a high school teacher and apparently a 17 year old student.

    The 35 year old teacher became pregnant according to Det. Peter Duncan.

  16. Allegations are not limited to public schools. In August of 2007 The Tennessee Department of Children’s Services apparently opened an investigation concerning whether a Knoxville Catholic High School teacher had “an inappropriate relationship with a student.”

    Catholic teacher and cross-country coach Dianne Dieterich, DCS is the Knoxville Catholic High teacher who may be formally accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a student.

    Legal Pub reminds all posters and readers that all suspects are innocent unil proven guilty.
