Monday, March 26, 2007

Famous Folks in Trouble

Ok, you are right. She is dead. But she is still famous and trouble is still associated with her name. The autopsy results will be published today. You heard it here first. Rumor has it that she died from complications of perscription medicine overdose. If she was furnished the medicine without a perscription, look for a wrongful death suit to be filed. This thickens the plot.

The police have been carefully investigating her death. This could be a fertile source of ammunition for the lawyers in the civil suit. In the meantime, DNA tests of the child were ordered. Birkhead is one step closer to a great deal of wealth.


  1. I never knew she looked so good. What a shame...

    California Surfer Dude

  2. Broward County Medical Examiner Joshua Perper said Smith died of "combined drug intoxication" with the sleeping medication chloral hydrate as the major factor. Smith was taking a lengthy list of other medications, including methadone for pain, he said.

    Chloral hydrate is a sedative used to treat insomnia and alcohol withdrawal, relieve anxiety and ease post-surgery pain. Perper said Smith had been on several antidepressant and antianxiety drugs prior to her death.

  3. Courtesy of the A.P:

    Nov. 28, 1967: Born Vickie Lynn Hogan in Houston.

    1983: Quits high school, works as a waitress, cook.

    April 1985: Marries 16-year-old Billy Wayne Smith, a fry cook. They have a son, Daniel Smith VIII.

    Mid-1986: Leaves her husband, taking her son to Houston. She works at a Wal-Mart, a restaurant, and dancing topless.

    October 1991: Meets Texas oil billionaire J. Howard Marshall II while dancing at a Houston club.

    February 1992: Files for divorce from Billy Smith.

    March 1992: Debuts on the cover of Playboy.

    May 1992: Featured in Playboy as the centerfold.

    November 1992: Signs three-year contract to be the new model for Guess jeans, also coining "Anna Nicole."

    May 1993: Appears again in Playboy and is named Playmate of the Year.

    Feb. 12, 1994: Hospitalized for three days after mixing prescription drugs and alcohol, then collapsing at a Beverly Hills hotel.

    June 27, 1994: Marries oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II. She is 26; he is 89.

    January 1995: Marshall falls seriously ill, and his son E. Pierce Marshall moves to be appointed his father's legal guardian. Legal fight between Smith and Pierce ensues when he cuts off her spousal support of $50,000 a month.

    Aug. 4, 1995: J. Howard Marshall dies of pneumonia at age 90, leaving spousal support fight unresolved.

    November 1995: Smith hospitalized for six days for an adverse reaction to prescription medication.

    February 1996: Files for bankruptcy in California.

    Sept. 27, 2000: A California judge issues a $450 million ruling for Smith against Pierce Marshall, later upped to $474 million.

    March 7, 2001: A Houston jury rules that Smith is not entitled to half the estate of her late husband, and that his sole heir is his son.

    May 24, 2001: A U.S. district judge in Los Angeles throws out the $474 million judgment previously awarded from the estate of her late husband.

    March 2002: The U.S. District Court judge awards Smith $88 million of J. Howard Marshall's oil fortune, concluding that Smith deserves half the investment income Marshall earned during their marriage, plus $44 million in punitive damages resulting from the younger Marshall's attempts to cut her off.

    Aug. 4, 2002: Premiere of "The Anna Nicole Show," the E! reality series in which a camera follows her through her everyday routine.

    October 2003: Becomes spokeswoman for TrimSpa diet pills.

    Dec. 30, 2004: A federal appeals court in San Francisco overturns Smith's $88.5 million inheritance award.

    Feb. 28, 2006: Attends her hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court demurely dressed in black and avoiding making any statement.

    May 1, 2006: The Supreme Court rules unanimously that Smith can pursue her late husband's fortune, overruling the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals which had ruled that federal courts could not handle Smith's case.

    Sept. 7, 2006: Gives birth to baby girl named Dannielynn in the Bahamas.

    Sept. 10, 2006: Smith's 20-year-old son, Daniel Smith, dies in his mother's hospital room in the Bahamas.

    Sept. 26, 2006: Lawyer Howard K. Stern claims he is the father of Dannielynn. The following day, an ex-boyfriend, photographer Larry Birkhead, says he is the real father. Subsequent lawsuits filed.

    Nov. 7, 2006: Smith is discharged from a week-long stay in a Bahamas hospital where she received treatment for pneumonia and a collapsed lung.

    Dec. 21, 2006: The Los Angeles Superior Court rules that Smith must bring Dannielynn to California for a paternity test. That ruling was temporarily blocked and the question was pending.

    Feb. 8, 2007: Smith dies in Florida at age 39.

    Source: AP

  4. Courtesy of the A.P. 2007-03-27 03:36:26
    New York Subway Hero Sues Lawyer
    NEW YORK (March 27) - A man cheered as a hero for jumping onto a subway track to rescue a stranger has sued a lawyer he claims manipulated him into an unfair contract meant to profit on his fame.

  5. Blonde Bombshell:

    Leave it to a man to get angry because he can't get enough reward for his heroism.


  6. Shell:

    You hit it right on the head!

    Blonde Bomber

  7. Larry Birkhead has his own website and he is talking!

    Guess he also has a dispute over his legal fees...

  8. Howard K. Stern lost a big one in the Bahamas today.

    Stern's appeal on DNA testing was just shut down, and Howard K. was penalized by the three-judge panel to the tune of $10,000. TMZ has learned Stern was ordered to pay $5,000 in attorney's fees to the Registrar General and $5,000 to Birkhead's lawyer -- not Debra Opri, the Bahamian one.

    This could clear the way for the unsealing of the DNA test results -- that should happen in court this week.

  9. Howard K. Stern will not stand in Larry Birkhead's way if the DNA tests show Birkhead is Dannielynn's father.

    "If Larry Birkhead is confirmed to be Dannielynn's biological father, Howard will not challenge custody. His love for her will not change, irrespective of the results. Howard will act in Dannielynn's best interest, because he loves her and would want a smooth transition to protect her, as she is deeply bonded to those who have been with her since birth."

    Updating Good Guy

  10. It is over! Dannielynn Paternity Revealed Apr 10th 2007 4:05PM by Meredith O., Chief Videologist
    Filed under: Celebrity, People Are Talking

    Finally, after months of speculation, we now know who fathered Anna Nicole Smith's daughter, Dannielynn -- it's good-guy Larry Birkhead. You can't deny the sheer joy in the look on his face. We can finally cross 'find Dannielynn's father' off our daily to-do list!
