Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Atlanta News Courtesy of the A.P.

Courtesy of the A.P. : Bobby Brown Arrested Over Child Support
Singer Jailed Until He Pays $19,000 in Late Child Support

CANTON, Mass. (Feb. ) - Bobby Brown was ordered on Monday to remain in a county jail until he pays $19,000 in late child support and court fees, his lawyer said. "We're diligently working on getting those funds available from outside sources," said Phaedra Parks, an attorney in Atlanta. All right people, what do you think? If you play you have to pay...


  1. Sounds like he has to pay....what are the laws on this in Georgia anyway, Legal Pub?

  2. I want every Single Parent out there, in search of child support, to be very wary of the company you chose to help you get your money. 5 years ago I was desperate. My ex husband left the state and the DA's office wasnt doing anything to help me get child support. I seen an advertisement on the TV for a place called SUPPORTKIDS, they are based out of Texas. I didnt read the fine print and have been paying them ever since. He owed me 45,000 at the time. When I signed the contract, I didnt realize they were going to continue to take 34% of my child support until 45,000 had been collected. I hired them in November of 2002 and they are still collecting. To date, Ive paid those people thousands of dollars for their services. They refuse to terminate our contract until they have collected the full amount, which means, at the end of this thing I will have paid them 15,300 dollars. The DA's office sends them the check, they take their 34% (almost half of my child support) and then cut me a check for the rest. They have done nothing besides the initial contacting of his employer with the garnishment 5 years ago. Since then, they have received their fair share and then some. Single parents shouldnt have to jump thru hoops to help support their kids, its tough enough being a parent!!

  3. This was one of the first posts I can find with Legal Pub. Ironic it would have to do with Bobby Brown and child support.
